Two Tornadoes Dream

URGENT: A Huge Second Storm – Dream

Reading Time: 10 Minutes

On November 4, 2019 I woke up to a dream about two tornadoes. These represent two crises. One has already occurred and the other one has not (as of Sept. 20, 2024). The dream was lengthy but I will shorten it to what is relevant to my readers. I shared this dream on this website not long after I had the dream, but later removed it. That is why some of my readers may find it familiar. I feel the Lord saying it is time now to post it. A huge second storm is forming but we can seek the Lord and pray.

For God does speak—now one way, now another— though no one perceives it. In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people as they slumber in their beds, he may speak in their ears and terrify them with warnings, to turn them from wrongdoing and keep them from pride, to preserve them from the pit, their lives from perishing by the sword. Job 33:14-18 NIV

The Two Tornadoes Dream

I drove to “my house” because I knew a storm was in the forecast. A thick grayish cloud cover loomed overhead and I could sense stormy weather. When I arrived home my husband was outside. We discussed the approaching storm and the fact that our cell phones were not working. It seemed right that we should “go to the church” during the storm. As we turned to get into the car we looked and saw a tornado over the area where the church was located. So, we knew that “we couldn’t go to the church.” Then, as we turned back around we saw a much bigger tornado than the first one. It was huge. At that time we went into the basement of the house to take cover. We were not afraid but we knew what we needed to do.


I believe the first tornado was the terrible Covid pandemic of 2020 where “we couldn’t go to church.” My church and many others temporarily went to online services only. Interestingly, I had a different dream in January of 2020 about a cyclone. I published a blog post about it in February of 2020 and the pandemic hit in March. The post is called, “The Only Safe Place.” I hope you will click on the link and read that post as well. God was urging the Body of Christ at that time to take cover in Christ Jesus through submission, humility, repentance, deliverance, returning to our Foundation, Jesus Christ, and dwelling in the secret place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

Back to the 2 tornadoes dream: The second tornado I saw in the 2019 dream seemed at least 3 times bigger than the first one. It is hard for me to compare their sizes because they were cone-shaped. What I do know is that the first storm representing the 2020 pandemic was much smaller in size than the one that appeared later. As of Sept. 20, 2024, this second storm has not occurred. But I believe the time is approaching fast unless we are blessed to witness a miracle of mercy and grace. Whether this second storm is worldwide like the one that came in 2020 or confined to the USA I do not know. Either way, what happens in the United States, either good or bad, affects the world in some way.

Earlier in this Same Dream

I was at a government building of some kind waiting in line to speak with the receptionist. I took my cell phone out to text my husband. To my surprise, my smart phone was in Arabic. I looked up at the other 10 or so people in line and suddenly a woman exclaimed, “My phone is in Arabic!” Everyone in line looked at their phones in shock as they declared the same thing.

What is the Second Storm?

I believe the second bigger tornado does not represent another pandemic, but it does represent another storm– a widespread crisis of greater proportion. The phones in this dream seem to be a clue that the second storm is related to the internet– a huge cyber failure of some kind. I have also sensed this in prayer as I asked the Lord about it.

So much of what is vital to sustaining physical life in our modern society is in some way dependent upon use of the internet. The US electric grid in many places has become a “smart grid,” meaning it relies upon the availability of the internet. If this occurs, many services and utilities we take for granted in every day life may not be available to us for a period of time. I feel that some places in the USA will be more drastically affected than others.

For clarity sake, I love and pray for all Arab people on a regular basis. Many Arabs are finding the Savior, Jesus, and are now our brothers and sisters in Christ. I bless them in Jesus name! I don’t know why the phones in this dream were in Arabic but I felt the Lord wanted me to share that detail in full.


The pandemic took me by surprise because at first I didn’t know what these cyclones represented in the dream. Having the 2 tornadoes dream in 2019, it could have been spiritual and/or physical in nature. Since then it became clear that the first one represented the Covid crisis, and I have often asked the Lord about the “second tornado.” Earlier this year (2024) I began to sense from the Lord that the time of the second storm was approaching. I shared this recently with a few people locally. Within a couple of days I began to hear online prophetic ministries sharing similar words from God. It was a confirmation for me that perhaps I wasn’t off-base in my interpretation. A huge second storm may be on the horizon.


If you live in the US and are a born-again believer in Christ Jesus, you are most likely praying and fasting for America and Israel already. Continue to do that, paying attention to the Holy Spirit as you pray.

I am praying for a turn-around and I hope this big storm will dissipate before it begins doing harm. With God all things are possible! Perhaps our prayers will push back against the forces of darkness to at least lessen the severity of the crisis. But if we must go through the fire Jesus, the Messiah, will be with us. I pray that we will not be consumed– neither will our garments smell of smoke. Our faith is not in this world but in Almighty God, our loving Father!

If we do go through extremely tough times, pray for a mild winter all over the US, for your State to be protected and blessed of the Lord, and for a great harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God. And for my international readers, I pray for you and your nation to be blessed! I know you will pray for us as well. We share all things in Christ and are seated together in the heavenly realms as Family with our wonderful God!

Prepare Spiritually

Remain in a spiritual place of trust and peace with the Lord. Draw even closer to God and know His heart of love and grace. Read God’s Word and do what He says. Trials from the enemy can elevate us to a greater place of faith so that our love for God and others is perfected– Jesus’ two greatest commands. Ask God how you can love your neighbors as yourself– whether we go through a widespread emergency crisis or not.

If God directs you to prepare your household physically for a crisis then do it. But if the Lord says for you to go about your life as usual– do that. If preparing for a crisis like this is not an option for you financially, trust in the Lord. God will take care of you! Do not worry or fear. Stay faithful and loving toward your local church body and always be ready to serve the Lord as He leads.

A Difficult Subject

When the Lord shows someone a huge second “storm” is in the air, they can’t ignore Him and hope it will simply go away. They must pray through it and ask God if and when it must be shared with the Body of Christ. That is what I have done to the best of my ability.

The US as a nation has been careless and even rebellious toward God so that evil has multiplied. Our country has taken God’s blessings for granted. But God’s people are now repenting and the Lord is answering our prayers. Spiritual eyes are being opened. Lukewarm Christians are returning to the love they had for Jesus when they first met Him. Unbelievers are fearfully observing as evil is being exposed. America is ripe for a great harvest and outpouring of the Holy Spirit. If the Church continues to grow and shine through the power of the Spirit, America will be rescued and our country will once again be a great light to the world.

Agape Love

I hate fear. It is not from God and I don’t want to be a part of spreading it. My message on this website has consistently been to draw closer in to God’s extravagant Agape love by staying in His presence and remaining humble and submissive. The love of God drives out fear. God wants His children to be set apart and confident in Christ so that no matter what happens in this world our faith is not shaken. He wants us to be close to Him so that His Agape Love reigns in our hearts.

Who shall ever separate us from the love of Christ? Will tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or danger, or sword? Just as it is written and forever remains written, “For Your sake we are put to death all day long; We are regarded as sheep for the slaughter.” Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors and gain an overwhelming victory through Him who loved us [so much that He died for us]. Romans 8:35-37 AMP

The early church walked through so much suffering but many managed to keep their faith in Christ. The key was their confidence in God’s love for them through the power of the Holy Spirit! If we love God and love one another as believers we will not only get through the storms that come our way, we will bring many into the Kingdom of God. They will know we are Christians by our love for one another.

What we must remember is that tornados eventually end. They can be devastating, causing great harm and loss. But if we bind together in love and trust in the Lord we will get through this. God will rescue us and He will receive ALL the glory!

The Glory of the Lord is Rising!

As the world is getting darker, God’s glory is rising in His children who seek Him with all of their hearts! I declare this scripture over our nation:

Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the Lord rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the Lord rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. Isaiah 60:1-3. NIV

The Lord still multiplies food supernaturally. He heals the sick, drives out demons and raises the dead through His devoted children. So, let’s press-in to the Father’s great big heart and remain seated in Christ Jesus. Do not entertain fear and shame. Entertain Jesus. He is in you and all around you– always waiting to sit down and talk with you. Seek the baptism and anointing of the Holy Spirit. We were created for such a time as this! A huge second storm or not, believe for salvations, signs, wonders, miracles and healings for the glory of His majestic Name!

And now, O Lord, hear their threats, and give us, your servants, great boldness in preaching your word. Stretch out your hand with healing power; may miraculous signs and wonders be done through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” After this prayer, the meeting place shook, and they were all filled with the Holy Spirit. Then they preached the word of God with boldness. Acts 4:29-31 NLT