A Second Chance
Reading Time: 6 Minutes
I’ve never been much of a sports fan as far as picking a team and watching it on TV. But as a child I enjoyed playing a variety of sports including soccer, tennis, swimming, horseback riding, basketball and backyard games like kick the can. Recess was my favorite subject in school! My favorite sport was soccer and we played it a lot in Paraguay. One of the most memorable was when I was given a second chance.
Our house was on the same big block as the Baptist Hospital where my father practiced medicine as a missionary. In between the hospital and our house was the Villa Mora Baptist Church and school. The church had an outdoor basketball court and a big soccer field that was right across from our house. It was a convenient location but we rarely had enough kids on the block after school to play a real game of soccer.
The Maká Tribe
The Coles, amazing New Tribes Missionaries who lived with the Maká tribe, invited some Maká boys to attend school at Villa Mora for a season. I was around 10 years old at the time and the boys may have been a bit older than me. Some of the boys were hoping that by learning Spanish, math etc., they would one day be able help their people trade the beautiful handmade wares made in the Macá village.
The Maká boys loved playing soccer even more than I did. They were amazing to watch! So most days after I came home from my school, I would walk over to the chain link fence dressed in my soccer gear to watch them play. My body language and attire made it obvious that I was hoping to be invited to play! Finally one day the game stopped and Loren, the missionary kid who lived with the Makás, walked over to me. He said that the boys wondered if I wanted to play with them. Finally I had my chance of a lifetime!
So I went around the fence and joined them on the field. Loren interpreted for me from English to Macá because they had not yet mastered the Spanish language. The Maká boys said I had to pass a simple test before I could be allowed to play with them. All I had to do was kick the ball from the goalie’s box toward the center of the field. Since I believed myself to be “a great player” I determined to kick the ball all the way to the other end the field and impress them all!
All Eyes on Me
I backed up, ran fast, kicked violently and missed the ball completely. My leg flew way up in the air and I came down hard on my bottom! The ball never moved. (I would love to see that replay!) The Maká boys couldn’t help but laugh, of course! They pointed toward me with their lips because that was the custom in their village. I got up and dusted myself off as the goalie kicked the ball and the game resumed.
How embarrassing! I walked off the field sulking and stood beside the goal post. I felt like I had been put in “time out”. Then I got a little upset on the inside because I knew I could play well but they didn’t know it. As soon as one of the boys brought the ball back in my direction, I ran onto the field and kicked it away from him. I dribbled the ball all the way down the field dodging players and scored a beautiful goal! The boys pointed their lips at me in surprise and said, “Señorita! Señorita!” Then I walked back to my self-imposed “time out” spot and waited for them to invite me to play. But they didn’t.
The game continued, and as soon as the ball moved my way, I ran onto the field and took the ball again, scoring my second goal! They cheered happily, “Señorita! Señorita!” Placing the ball in the center the boys met with Loren for a few seconds. As I began strolling back to my “time out” spot, Loren said, “Wait! They want you to play!”
Team Players
My dream came true! I got to play with the Maká boys, and I don’t even remember how well I played. But it didn’t matter because it wasn’t about me anymore. It was all about my team. I enjoyed being a team player, passing the ball and having great fun!
This story has so much spiritual symbolism for me! In my life I have learned that pride really does come before a fall. Proverbs 16:18. There have been many times when I’ve had to step back and remind myself of who I am in Christ. During those “time out” moments of my life it was the Lord who gave me courage to jump back in and keep running His race! All along the way, I have been blessed by brothers and sisters in Christ who have given me many second chances.
Don’t you realize that in a race everyone runs, but only one person gets the prize? So run to win! All athletes are disciplined in their training. They do it to win a prize that will fade away, but we do it for an eternal prize. 1 Corinthians 9:24-25 NLT
You Have a Part to Play
God has given each of us something to offer that will be a blessing and a joy in His Kingdom on this earth. We don’t have to try and prove our worth. Our amazing Heavenly Father has already joyfully approved of us through Jesus Christ! He has given us gifts and abilities for His glory. God just wants us to humble ourselves, obey Him and become a team player in His Family.
Never be ashamed of the wonderful person God has created you to be in Christ! You are very loved and you play a vital role in God’s plan. Because of the Holy Spirit you are designed to bless others. You are able to accomplish what God has for you to do in His Kingdom! Don’t forget to enjoy and support your teammates, and always remember to give others a second chance, and another, and another… just as Jesus has done for us all– so many times!

The Night I Met Jesus