Angels Watching Over Me
Reading Time: 4 Minutes
See that you do not despise one of these little ones. For I tell you that their angels in heaven always see the face of my Father in heaven. Matthew 18:10 NIV
I have great memories of growing up as a missionary kid in Asuncion, Paraguay. We lived in a breezy pink stucco house with an arched porch entrance on the right side and yellow tiled floors. My sister, Janice, and I shared a nice bedroom with twin beds. I adored her but naturally at around age nine, I wanted a room of my own.
My Own Room
I convinced Mama and Daddy to turn the family den into my very own space. They took a large bookshelf and separated the eating area from the den to make it feel like a separate room. Then they took a bed frame and stacked several mattresses on it so that it could also function as a sofa during the day. That way the family could still watch TV shows like Gunsmoke and I Love Lucy together in the same room.
Why they did this for me I do not know, but most likely for my sister’s sake! She was seven years older than me and the oldest of us four children. At first it was exciting for me to have my own little place to lay my head. But it didn’t take long for the glory to fade as I realized it really wasn’t a very private space at all! It wasn’t long before I found myself back in the big bedroom with my sister.
Sleeping On A Cloud
I still got dressed for bed in Janice’s bedroom and used our shared bathroom to shower and brush my teeth. By bedtime, the TV had been turned off, most of the lights in the house were dimmed and I could hear the sound of Daddy checking all the doors to make sure they were locked. I crawled into my make-shift bed which was very soft compared to my twin bed in Janice’s room. In my childlike mind, I was laying upon a cloud.
Twisting God’s Arm
I’m not sure if it was the Bible story Janice read to me that night, my mother’s prayer, or the “Guardian Angel With Children On The Bridge” picture hanging on the wall, but that night I was thinking about angels. I don’t remember if I prayed much on my own at that stage in my life. But the subject of that night’s petition stands out vividly in my mind. The prayer went something like this:
“Dear God, if You’re really real, wake me up tonight and let me see an angel. In Jesus’ Name, amen.”
Angels On My Mind
I thought to myself, “What a thrill it would be to see a real angel!” With great anticipation, I turned over on my “cloud” and dropped off to sleep. I awakened to the sounds and smell of breakfast being served on the other side of the bookshelf. As I awoke I was so disappointed! I had not seen my angel. With my heart just a little broken, I closed my eyes again and lifted up a morning prayer, “God, I still believe in You!”
Jesus *said to him, “Because you have seen Me, have you now believed? Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed.” John 20:29 NASB
In recent years, I have heard testimonies of angel encounters, and how their ministry blessed a person immensely. I know that there have been angels ministering to me my whole life because the Bible tells us that they do. So I thank the Lord for them! I can even recall times that they must have been present, saving me from disaster. Whether I ever see one or not, I know they are there, and I will always believe in the loving God who has sent them to watch over me!
Therefore, angels are only servants—spirits sent to care for people who will inherit salvation. Hebrews 1:14 NLT
Thank You, Father, for the ministering angels You have so lovingly dispatched to help us as we keep our eyes on Jesus! May You, Lord, always be the object of our gaze and our praise! In Jesus name, amen!
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