Get Ready for a Big Event
Silent Reading Time: 9 Minutes
Dream: The Big Event
February 8, 2019, I woke up to a dream from God. I was getting dressed for a big event, wearing a shimmery-gold, sleeveless floor-length dress. It was beautiful enough for the most important and elegant event anyone could be invited to. Surprisingly, I looked really great!
The Auditorium
I arrived at the event place. It was a large auditorium with theater seating and a stage. As I entered from the back of the auditorium I spotted people I knew sitting towards the front right section. I approached the front looking for a good seat and greeted people who were already seated. Still standing, I glanced up to look around. The front was well lit, while the back of the auditorium was rather dim. The rear and middle of the auditorium were full and the front was filling up fast. It was open seating, so I realized that I needed to hurry up and find a seat!
Quick! Find A Seat!
The big event was about to start. I wanted to sit up close. There were several unoccupied seats on the second row next to the first inside isle but I spent too much time socializing. By the time I got over there, those seats were taken. There was a seat on the same row at the opposite end, by the wall. I hurried over there and put my things down to reserve my seat. I looked up and realized that no one else was talking. Although I never saw anyone’s face in this dream, I saw that they were quietly seated. They were facing straight ahead, focused on the stage.
The seats were covered in soft velvet of a golden-tan color. I began to sit down anticipating my view of the stage and knew the big event was going to take place soon. Then I woke up.
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God. When Christ, who is your life, appears, then you also will appear with him in glory. Colossians 3:1-4 NIV
Unraveling The Dream
Psalm 45 is one of the most beautiful prophetic scriptures that describes the relationship between our majestic King, Jesus, and His Bride. I believe it is one of the passages that paints a picture of the last days outpouring– a new great awakening. The entire Psalm is astounding, and I hope you will read it. But for this post I will give you just a few verses that pertain to the dream.
Listen to me, O royal daughter; take to heart what I say.
Forget your people and your family far away.
For your royal husband delights in your beauty;
honor him, for he is your lord.
The princess of Tyre will shower you with gifts.
The wealthy will beg your favor.
The bride, a princess, looks glorious
in her golden gown. Psalm 45:10-13 NLT
The Event
The Bride of Christ is making herself ready in preparation for something spectacular! In Revelation 19:6-9 we see that the Bride has made herself ready for the wedding of the Lamb. She is given “bright and clean linen” to wear. We should always be preparing for the Lord to split the skies and take us home to Heaven. No one knows that day or hour. It could be today or years in the future. It can also represent the day our earthly body dies and we go to Heaven to live forever with Jesus in a new eternal body.
I believe we should always dress ourselves in Christ because only in Him can we be saved. But perhaps the Lord wants us to prepare to be used in a great outpouring of His glory on the earth before His final return!
A Great Outpouring
I believe the Lord’s awesome presence is about to appear in a big event that will display His glory in greater fashion than we’ve ever seen before. According to the prophecies I am familiar with, God’s anointing will be poured out by angels like water from urns. This will happen in specific locations all over the world; some areas in greater measure than others. But this anointing will not be confined to one church, community or city. It will spread to affect every nation on the planet. Maybe this dream speaks specifically to this glorious event that is soon about to take the stage. God is inviting us to “get ready” for it!
And look, I am sending you what my Father promised. But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.” Luke 24:49 NET
Getting Dressed
The power of the Holy Spirit is coming on any believer who is willing to humbly pursue God’s presence. It is in the chamber where the Bride is dressed and becomes all-glorious. Take off the rags of your past and be clothed in the garment Jesus purchased for you on the cross. He is enthralled by the beauty of the new creation that we truly are in Him. The “chamber” is a spiritual place in the heavenly realms that we can learn to abide in. God’s very own Spirit becomes our glorious attire! He allows us to shine for God in miraculous ways we could never do in our own strength!
Heaven On Earth
The plush theater seats of golden-tan velvet represent being seated with Christ in heavenly places (gold), on earth (tan). Not seeing faces in the dream indicates a spiritual realm. As Christians, we are born again to live by the Spirit of God. God’s Spirit lives in us like oil and fire in an oil lamp. He makes it possible for us to live on earth and be seated in heavenly places at the same time.
All believers are seated in Christ in Heavenly places, but earthly distractions can keep us from living in that reality. I’ve had several auditorium dreams where I didn’t get the seat I really wanted because I was distracted. With each dream I got closer to the front because I chose to chit-chat less and claim my seat more quickly. Even seemingly harmless distractions can keep us from experiencing the powerful reality of being seated in Heavenly places. Meeting with the Lord and experiencing His presence becomes the passion of those who want to be close to Jesus.
Choose Your Seat
Jesus wants us close! But to get a front row seat, it requires devotion and sanctification. Sanctification is a process of continual cleansing, repentance and growing in Christ. James 4:7-9 Being seated in Heavenly places in Christ Jesus means that we are high above the enemy’s grasp. We look down on the enemy as Father God backs us up with troops of warring angels. In God’s kingdom of light we fight victoriously over the kingdom of darkness. So there is no need to stay in a dark place. Each of us can move closer and closer to God’s light and experience the powerful glory of His presence!
Sit Down And Rest
Being seated in Christ is a place of rest. God requires that we stop trying to earn salvation through works and just receive it by faith in His grace. Ephesians 2:1-10 God approves us and accepts us into His family, not by what we have done, but by what Jesus did on the cross for us. He loves us, not because we did our chores but because He loves His children– period.
We’ve got to sit down and rest our souls in these truths! Then we can keep loving others even if they don’t love back. The Truth sets us free to rest in God’s grace– not in our own efforts. In this rest, we are able to be seated in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ, knowing that it is not by their works that they are saved, but by their faith in God’s grace. We can’t sit in unity in the heavenly realms if we’re restlessly wandering around.
God wants us to step away from stress and come have a seat in His grace every day. Don’t quit your job. I’m speaking spiritually for the most part. But at some point we do need to sit, literally rest in His presence and look forward toward the stage, longing for His appearing. It is only from that loving place at His Family table that God can affirm us, restore us and equip us to do His will.
Works and Grace
A high-stressed performance mindset can keep us from walking in the power of the Holy Spirit because we’re counting on our own works to fulfill our self-made destiny. We can only give God all the glory if we have been completely dependent on His love, grace and power for everything we do. A deep understanding of this helps keep us from comparing ourselves to others and worrying about what people think. All our failures are crucified on the cross and we are perfect in our Father’s eyes!
Perfect Unity
When God’s children are seated, fixing our eyes on Jesus and following His desires, Hebrews 12:2, we are in perfect unity. Sitting still, we are finally in a position to listen to God and fulfill His specific purpose for our lives.
This is similar to a board room where God is the CEO. We understand that we are privileged and honored to have been chosen to be there. Only the Lord knows how to run His Kingdom. All eyes are focused on Him and all ears are tuned in to one Voice, for one purpose– His Kingdom. Unity in the Body of Christ by the Holy Spirit is the spark that will ignite a worldwide awakening.
The glory which You have given Me I also have given to them, so that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, so that the world may know that You sent Me, and You loved them, just as You loved Me. John 17:22-23 NASB
Preparing For A Great Awakening
I believe a great outpouring of God’s Spirit is just ahead, and His glory is rising even now. The Lord is calling His Bride to an intimate place of surrender– crucified to the world and alive in Christ following the Spirit. Jesus longs to pour His love into our hearts. He wants to cleanse, deliver, and heal us in the secret place of His chamber. Let’s get ready and be seated– eyes fixed on Jesus!
Through Jesus Christ, you can enter into God’s presence and be seated with Him by the Spirit! For a better understanding of who Jesus is please click here: Meet Jesus

Faith Of A Child