Gideon – Part 4 – Signs
Reading Time: 8 Minutes
Gideon encountered the Lord and began to follow His lead. He was now a disciple, developing his relationship with God. In this post we will look at several “signs” the Lord gave Gideon and consider how signs from God can be part of our spiritual growth process.
The following are links to the first three parts:
To get the most from this post read: Judges 6:33-40 &. Judges 7:1-15
Signs From God
And God confirmed the message by giving signs and wonders and various miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit whenever he chose. Hebrews 2:4 NLT
Does God still give us supernatural signs? Yes, He does. I think God’s “signs” are everywhere if we’re humble enough to recognize them. The spectacular sunrises & sunsets, majestic mountains, calming faithful waves of the seashore, hysterically funny monkeys, beautiful delicious fruit, endless scientific discoveries, a baby’s innocence and complete dependence upon their parents, the relief you feel when someone forgives you— These are only a few amazing signs of God’s power, character, beauty, love, and presence in our midst. We only need to open the eyes of our hearts to see them.
Testimonies of God’s transforming power, forgiveness, healing, deliverance, protection and provision encourage us to trust in His unfailing love and grace. These testimonial signs build our faith in Jesus Christ.
The Word of God
Gideon had only heard a small portion of God’s written Word, but most of us are blessed to have all of it available to us every day. Sign after sign can be unveiled to us by the Spirit if we search God’s Word with a tender and teachable heart!
Personal Signs
Supernatural peace, a scripture that transforms us, answered prayer, deliverance, a dream from God, a vision, a healing or miracle are a few personal signs we may experience. We don’t place our trust in signs but in the One who gives them to us. Some signs follow those who believe!
Sign Blindness
Jesus rebuked the Pharisees and teachers of the law for asking Him to give them a sign. He knew their motivation was not love but evil. They had just observed Him drive out demons and miraculously heal a deaf and mute man. Instead of praising Jesus for that beautiful miracle of God, the religious leaders said Jesus had performed that sign by the power of the devil. Unlike Gideon, they saw the signs but were so hard-hearted and spiritually blind that they would not worship the Lord. The only sign Jesus gave them was His death and resurrection. And if that sign didn’t change their hearts, nothing would.
Gideon first asked for a sign because he had never encountered the Lord before. He wanted to make sure this truly was the Lord speaking to him. God sees the motivation of our hearts and delights in encouraging us in His love and faithfulness.
Gideon’s First Sign
Gideon first asked for a sign when he encountered the Lord at the winepress. He found it hard to believe that God could possibly commission him as His mighty warrior.
Gideon replied, “If now I have found favor in your eyes, give me a sign that it is really you talking to me. Please do not go away until I come back and bring my offering and set it before you.” And the Lord said, “I will wait until you return.” Judges 6:17-18 NIV
As you read in Part 1, Gideon received his first big sign at the large rock when the Lord incinerated his offering by fire from the rock. After that glorious encounter Gideon was so filled with faith that he tore down the family idols! He was ready to follow the Lord no matter the consequences!
Signs Fuel Obedience
When God gives us a “sign” that He is with us and for us, the proper response is to be overwhelmed with gratitude and obey the Lord’s instructions. It will feel like we are stepping away from who we thought we were into a different realm. Faith gives God permission to transform us as we discard our own will to embrace His. The purpose of a “sign” it is to move us forward in relationship with God for His will, not our own.
Fleece 1 & Fleece 2
After the idols were torn down, the Holy Spirit came upon Gideon to empower him as the leader of Israel’s army. God does not call us to do something and walk away leaving us to do it on our own power. Jesus promised to never leave us and He didn’t leave Gideon either. When this powerful anointing came, Gideon blew a trumpet and summoned various tribes of Israel to battle. He was ready to do God’s will! Or was he?
Just after Gideons empowerment by the Holy Spirit, he doubted, but he didn’t give up! He talked to God again, and that is what we should always do. God was right there as He had promised. Gideon asked for another sign and God gave it to him. He placed a dry fleece on the threshing floor and in the morning the fleece was wet but the floor was dry– just as he had asked God to do!
Gideon was probably frustrated with his own doubts, but at least he was honest with God. So, this time Gideon asked God for the reverse sign. And sure enough, in the morning, the fleece was dry and the ground was wet!
The Test After the Sign
After the sign at the great rock, Gideon was tested by God and he obeyed by tearing down the idols and offering a proper sacrifice– a burnt offering. Then after the fleece signs, the Lord put Gideon to the test again. Gideon had 32,000 men in his army, but through a series of tests, the Lord dismissed all but 300 warriors.
The Lord said to Gideon, “You have too many warriors with you. If I let all of you fight the Midianites, the Israelites will boast to me that they saved themselves by their own strength. Judges 7:2 NLT
It is not by our own power that we do anything in His Kingdom but by His power and grace. We cannot fight the devil’s kingdom in our own strength. It is only by the Blood of Jesus and the power of His resurrection that we are forgiven of our sin and have victory over all the power of the enemy! Glory to God!
If God gives us a sign we should view it as an encouragement move forward in relationship with Him. Many partake in God’s wonderful signs but don’t follow through in worship and obedience. He has plans for each of us to participate in His Kingdom.
God Gives Gideon an Unexpected Sign!
Fear gets in the way of our faith and will stand in the way of our victory. The spiritual battle must be won from the heavenly realms before we can win the battles we face in the natural realm. Seated with the Lord at His Table of grace, He will give us a plan so we can confidently hold the shield of faith.
Now the camp of Midian lay below him in the valley. During that night the Lord said to Gideon, “Get up, go down against the camp, because I am going to give it into your hands. If you are afraid to attack, go down to the camp with your servant Purah and listen to what they are saying. Afterward, you will be encouraged to attack the camp.” Judges 7:8b-11a NIV
Gideon was still afraid to attack the enemy so he followed God’s instructions. Gideon and Purah sneaked down the hill very close to the enemy’s tents. They overheard a Midianite telling his fellow soldier a dream he just had. It was about a giant loaf of bread tumbling down the hill and destroying their camp. Israel was known for growing wheat, so the soldiers became terrified!
Gideon bowed down and worshiped the Lord! His faith was built up as the Lord had predicted. Immediately after thanking God, Gideon rushed back to his troops and prepared for the attack. If a disciple’s heart is in the right place, “signs” will prompt them to deeply felt worship and obedience! Skeptics will criticize, judge, dismiss or question, even when the love of God is at the core of the sign.
Sign Vision
God is a wonderful and very personal God! The more we grow in relationship with Jesus the more we get to know Him. As disciples, Jesus is our Teacher and delights to pour out His love and favor through signs and wonders. We will experience signs of God’s love through dreams, visions, miracles, healings and more. Of course, don’t worship the signs nor demand them from God. Like Gideon, worship the Lord! And when He gives us signs, they give us courage to participate in His Kingdom on earth no matter the cost! The Lord is with us, mighty warriors!