God’s Love & Popcorn
Reading Time: 7 Minutes
A Vision – July 2018
God works in such amazing ways. We can see in nature how immensely creative and loving He is. The sun brings light every morning and the seasons change right on time. God assures us of His great faithfulness in so many ways! The lightning flashes declaring His power. And the mysterious ocean depths speak of His glorious mystery. Anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear knows that He is a personal and adventure-loving God! He is also full of surprises! I am learning to let Him out of my “box” and let Him do as He pleases. Our relationship is becoming less me (boring) and more Him (exciting).
Renewing My Mind
The Lord had impressed upon me to grow in the area unconditional love and grace. He wants us all to experience His great love and pour it out to others. So I began renewing my mind in scriptures about love and grace. I was learning to forgive quickly and asking forgiveness whenever God prompted me to. Confronting the “flesh” like that was not always comfortable, but I wanted what God wanted!
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV
We don’t pick and choose which parts of scripture we agree with and discard the others. Saying yes to all of God’s Word is the foundation for mind renewal. Willingness to face the truth about the state of our heart, mind and actions is the next step. It is the only way to real freedom!
We renew our minds by changing our destructive thought patterns to agree with God’s Word. For instance, if you feel deeply rejected by God or people, look up scriptures about forgiving others, how God has accepted you, etc.. Talk with the Holy Spirit about it and believe in your heart that what He says is true.
The Word of God is powerful only if you believe that God loves you and wants you free. So take His Word to heart and be willing to go the distance. If you receive a sudden miracle, then praise the Lord! But it usually takes time to renew the mind. Take those ugly thoughts captive and crucify them with God’s Word, over and over. Replace deadly thoughts with Words of life!
The process of renewing my mind to receive and give unconditional love was a much slower process than I had anticipated. Don’t misunderstand me. I was working hard in the ministry doing lots of good works because I loved Jesus. Looking back, I realize that my heart had been bruised and broken so many times that I needed God to heal me. It is hard to love when your heart is broken. When I admitted my need to God and made Him my Therapist, I began to experience a gradual change taking place inside my heart and mind.
Download From God
One afternoon I decided to take a quick nap. I laid my head down– right ear on the pillow. Then I asked the Lord to empower me with His love. I was ready to believe for a download from the Lord. After all, I needed it! I told Him that I was yielded to His will and I needed His supernatural help. With my eyes closed, I saw a small vision. There was a disk, like a huge white hockey puck suspended in the cotton-clouded blue sky. It was positioned horizontally but tilted just slightly toward me so I could see that one side was red. There was a heart shaped hole right in the middle of the disk. Then, a shaft of light like lightning came from heaven through the heart of the disk, down toward the earth.
Rest In The Power Of His Grace
Immediately, there was an actual sound, like popcorn popping loudly in the right side of my head. Have you ever popped bubble wrap? It sounded something like that! Just to make sure it wasn’t my pillow or pillowcase, I lifted my head up a little– off of the pillow. But it continued. So, I just rested my head back down. I knew then that the Lord was doing something for me. All I needed to do was rest. There were around 10 to 15 “pops” in the right side of my head and then the popping stopped. I was amazed by this encounter with God and lay there thanking the Lord for whatever had just happened. By faith, I drifted off to sleep.
What our Lord did for me that day, I don’t know for sure. But I believe that He intervened supernaturally in my life. I think He did laser surgery on my brain and blasted some things out that needed to go! I have also noticed an increase in power to love Him and others, of which I am so very grateful! When we step out by faith and obey God, He heals us, delivers us and sets us free from the power of the enemy. We put on our spiritual armor and wield the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. Ephesians 6:10-17
…for the weapons of our warfare are not human weapons, but are made powerful by God for tearing down strongholds. We tear down arguments and every arrogant obstacle that is raised up against the knowledge of God, and we take every thought captive to make it obey Christ. We are also ready to punish every act of disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 NET
God’s Love And Power Brings Victory
This vision from God was for you too! He is reminding us that His power is released from Heaven when we pray in His will from our hearts. This power comes to us when we rest and trust in His grace. We cannot change our hearts by ourselves, but He will come to our rescue if we ask Him to.
Whether we are renewing our minds, decreeing His Word and obeying Him, or simply asking Him with faith like a child, it is His love and power that brings about victory in our lives. His answers come from His heavenly realm of Glory like a bolt of lightening. We will not always have a vision or even a feeling. It may be instantaneous or gradual. But when we pray believing and willing to submit to Him, Jesus is faithful and He answers powerfully.
The Lord Is Creative
God is so fun! He is adventurous and creative! He loves us and reveals Himself in the most unusual ways to those who are seeking Him with open hearts. We may get ourselves in a bind sometimes, but He remains faithful. The Lord will help us get back where we need to be in our journey with Him. If we persevere in drawing close to Him, He will open up the Heavens and send His love like lightening to rescue us.
Who is the person who fears the Lord? He will instruct him in the way he should choose. His soul will dwell in prosperity, And his descendants will inherit the land. The secret of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He will make them know His covenant. My eyes are continually toward the Lord, for He will rescue my feet from the net. Psalm 25:12-15 NASB
Dear Heavenly Father, I pray that we will persevere in knowing You and trusting You. I pray that we, Your children, will believe in Your Word and allow You to do miraculous things in and through us for Your Glory. I pray for supernatural downloads of Your love so we can shine brightly in a dark world. In Jesus’ powerful Name! Amen!
Thank you for reading! God bless you!
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The Beautiful Dream