Healed Like Lightning
Reading Time: 7 Minutes
Soak Service
God was teaching me to trust in His restful grace but that would prove to be a long journey of faith. I had experienced unexplainable pain in my body and God had downloaded an encounter of His love in a beautiful dream. However, I still had trouble processing the religious expectations of others because I didn’t fully know who I was in Christ. God had begun the work in me, but it took a while for me to understand how to yield to Him. All I knew at that point was that I needed healing. On March 17, 2013 the theme for the evening “Soak” service at our church was “Wait on the Lord.” Little did I know that I would be healed like lightning that night.
Colored Bubbles
My husband, Mark, sat alone in the balcony because he had a sneezy cold, but I sat on the main level. During the Soak service, one of the pastors asked for anyone needing strength to lift their hands to the Lord. He invited others to move about the auditorium and pray for those with their hands lifted as worship continued. I needed a miracle from my Creator and as I sat with my hands lifted in worship, a lovely sister in Christ came over to the pew behind me, held my hand and prayed.
I felt the Holy Spirit on my body in a peaceful light-headed way as I kept my eyes closed and received from the Lord. Strange as it may seem, bubbles of different colors of light seemed to be going from my head down the core of my body next to my spine. I have no idea what the Lord did for me during that time, but I’m so grateful anyway! I am convinced that the Lord heals us of many things that we aren’t even aware of, just because we pray for one another and are willing to receive. Because of the rainbow of colors and bubbles, I now believe that He was giving me a promise that I would experience a cleansing in my mind and body.
Healed Like Lightning
When our lead pastor called for the prayer team to move forward I really wanted to be prayed for again because I felt no physical relief in my body yet. But I was on the prayer team and sincerely wanted to be obedient to the Lord. So, I took my place at the front as heads were bowed. Our pastor asked anyone who needed physical healing to raise their hands.
At first I didn’t raise my hand because I was standing at the front ready to pray for others. But then, wanting to be honest, I raised my hand. He then invited the sick to come for prayer. Prompted by the Holy Spirit, a precious lady in the church rushed past the moving crowd to get to me. She grabbed my arms and with intensity told me that the Lord told her to pray for me, and that He was going to heal me. I was blessed by her compassion and just received from the Lord as she prayed over me.
After the service Mark asked me, “Did you hear?” Then he told me that the sound technician’s wife in the balcony had rushed over to him during the last prayer time and said to him, “Did you see it? Peggy just got healed like lightning!” Psalm 18:13-14 She saw lightning come down from above into my body!
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
Even though I did not “feel healed” I began to praise God as I drove away from the church! I fully expected to sleep through the night for the first time in years, but I didn’t. Instead, I had several dreams revealing more strongholds to pray about. So I took those to the Lord in prayer. The next day, I was pondering how my healing was going to manifest itself and I remembered the theme of the Soak service-– wait on the Lord.
I believe it was the very next day that we went to Nashville, TN to visit my elderly parents and spend the night. Tuesday morning I got up early to spend time with the Lord. Sitting down on the green antique sofa in the living room, I propped my bare feet up on old family coffee table. I began to read the Word and enjoy the presence of the Lord. I glanced up to think about the scripture I had just read and noticed something interesting.
The unsightly ganglion cyst that had protruded from the top of my foot was not there! I checked both feet thinking I may have forgotten which foot it was on. Still no cyst. Then I stood up and walked around, moving my feet to see if it would pop out again. Nope! It was gone! I whispered loudly for Mark who was in the dining room, “Mark! Come here!” We kept looking for it. I remember finding a little bump but when I checked the other foot, the same bone was there as well! Ha ha! We were both amazed!
I was healed like lightning only I had not noticed it until two days later! It was not the healing I was hoping for, but I had been healed like lightning! Hallelujah! There may have been other healings that nighty that I couldn’t have known about, so I thank the Lord by faith for everything He did for me that night.
Hope Along The Way
The ganglion cyst had not been bothering me but it was very ugly. The only way to remove it was to have surgery. I believe the Lord wanted to let me know that He saw me, He loved me very much and was on my side. He had singled me out and healed me with lightning from heaven.
I thought about being discouraged, but then remembered The Beautiful Dream. Right away I knew that there were priceless messages He was giving me to bring about my full deliverance. I just needed to keep following His lead. I always knew the Lord would heal me and He has been so good to increase my faith along the way!
At The Crossroad
I decided to take this magnificent display of affection and use it as a stepping stone to build my faith. Not only had God shown me His great love directly by healing a ganglion cyst, but three women of God had demonstrated His love to me through the power of the Holy Spirit. I chose to never forget that I was healed like lightning by the loving power of God!
A Journey of Waiting
It was no coincidence that the theme of Soak was “Wait.” It has been a long wait for me already, but I have chosen not to waste the wait but to draw closer to the Lord every day. His Spirit has been empowering me toward victory in many areas of my life, despite the enemy’s taunts.
Some of my symptoms have improved over the years and I give God all the glory for that! Many are gone altogether! But the Holy Spirit has shown me that my greatest deliverance will come suddenly as I persevere in faith and truth. God has been cleansing me and demonstrating His love to me during this time of waiting.
Waiting Is Hoping In The Lord
The word “wait” in Isaiah 40:31 can also be translated as “hope.” Even the word esperanza (hope) in Spanish has the same root as the word esperar (to wait).
Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not seen. Hebrews 11:1 NIV
When our hope turns into faith, it becomes confidence and assurance in the promises of God!
But those who wait [or hope] on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31 NKJV
It is my prayer that as you wait, you will hope in the Lord! Remember the victories Jesus has already given you and allow them to build your faith. Do not be discouraged. Trust in His goodness and love. Enjoy His presence. He is our Savior, Healer and Deliverer! Our big breakthrough is coming and He will receive all the glory! Praise the Lord!
I relied completely on the Lord, and he turned toward me and heard my cry for help. He lifted me out of the watery pit, out of the slimy mud. He placed my feet on a rock and gave me secure footing. He gave me reason to sing a new song, praising our God. May many see what God has done, so that they might swear allegiance to him and trust in the Lord. Psalm 40:1-3 NET
To find out more about the saving grace of God through Jesus Christ please click here: Meet Jesus