Jesus’ Lightning Hands
Reading Time: 8 Minutes
A Vision
This vision took place sometime in 2018 or shortly before that time. I woke up to 3 or 4 loud knocks right in front of my face. These were like knocks on a wooden door. It was so unusual that I assumed it was God. Thinking of Samuel in the Bible, I said, “Here I am, Lord, I’m listening.” I stayed in bed, closed my eyes again, and waited. Then I saw a hand coming toward my head; as if someone was about to place their palm on my forehead in prayer. Before it touched my forehead, my view was directed to another scene. It was a side view of myself standing in a white robe facing Jesus. He held His hands 6 to 8 inches from both sides of my head. He slowly moved his hands in different directions as fiery lightning came from His palms into my head.
In the vision, Jesus had wavy hair to his shoulders and wore a white robe with a sash around His waist. I appeared to be a young adult, but I knew it was me. My hands were to my side, completely relaxed. I was very still, doing nothing and saying nothing– just looking up into His face.
As I lay there watching this I focused my attention on Jesus’ face, and for a second I felt the awe of His holiness. It was as if I experienced His glory for a split second as I lay in bed watching. I cannot explain the depth of the beauty of His being. At that moment the vision was over.
The Lord thundered from heaven; the voice of the Most High resounded. He shot his arrows and scattered the enemy, with great bolts of lightning he routed them. Psalm 18:13-14 NIV
God’s Lightning in Scripture
Jesus allowed three of His disciples to go to a mountain with Him to pray where He was transfigured. His whole being changed as He prayed in the spiritual realm. Jesus was so charged with power that even His clothing appeared to be full of lightning. Luke 9:28-29 In the book of Revelation, lightning flashed from the Throne of God Revelation 4:5 and Jesus’ eyes were like fire. Revelation 19:12-13 When Satan rebelled against God, he fell from Heaven like a bolt of lightning. Luke 10:18 The lightning of God’s power drove him out! The Bible states several times that the Lord drives the enemy, Satan, away from His people by His lightning. Zechariah 9:14-16
In this vision, I believe the Lord is saying that God’s power can flow through a believer’s hand. But there is also another way. The Lord Himself wants to route the enemy with the lightning power of His presence. He delights in doing so one-on-one if we will take the time to submit to Him in prayer.
If we are looking for a minister to lay hands on us and free us, we may indeed encounter that person. James 5:14-16 But on the other hand, we may not. It is important to seek prayer from others when we need it. But we must not be discouraged when breakthrough doesn’t come through someone else praying for us.
One who was there had been an invalid for thirty-eight years. When Jesus saw him lying there and learned that he had been in this condition for a long time, he asked him, “Do you want to get well?” “Sir,” the invalid replied, “I have no one to help me into the pool when the water is stirred. While I am trying to get in, someone else goes down ahead of me.” Then Jesus said to him, “Get up! Pick up your mat and walk.” At once the man was cured; he picked up his mat and walked. John 5:5-9 NIV
How wonderful to know that we can allow Jesus Himself to cleanse us, heal us and deliver us! Jesus is the One hovering His lightening hands over our heads in the intimacy of private prayer. He ministers to us one-on-one! Sometimes He gives us dreams or visions like this one to help us understand what is happening to encourage us to stay in His presence just a little longer!
All Believers Empowered
And then he told them, “Go into all the world and preach the Good News to everyone. Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. These miraculous signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak in new languages. They will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it won’t hurt them. They will be able to place their hands on the sick, and they will be healed.” Mark 16:15-20 NLT
Jesus wants to fill us with power so we can lay our hands on others and free them from bondage. Many in the Body of Christ have believed that laying hands on the sick was just for the first disciples of Jesus. But Mark 16 shows us that is not true. Those signs accompany whoever believes the gospel.
Others have felt that God gives believers His Spirit, but only a few have been selected to perform miracles, signs and wonders. God does call individuals to specific ministries. One may be focused on healing, another on deliverance, another on prophecy, etc. But every believer in Christ is equipped by the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel, heal the sick, drive out demons, etc. God wants to empower our hands with His lightening– the power of the Holy Spirit.
Baby Christians and the Ministry
The Bible warns us that thrusting baby Christians into leadership roles in the church can set them up for failure due to pride. However, the Bible doesn’t say the new believer should not perform miracles. We can grow in humility, knowledge, faith and the fruits of the Holy Spirit; love, joy, peace, etc. Galatians 5:22-23 at the same time as the Lord uses us to bless others. New believers can be baptized in the Holy Spirit and fire, so they must not be discouraged from letting the Holy Spirit work powerfully through them!
My Unbelief Exposed
A few years ago, a student in our discipleship program came to me privately about a physical problem she was having. She asked if I knew of any natural ways to treat the issue because she had no money for a doctor’s visit. I had very little advice to offer so I asked if family members could help her out financially so she could go to the doctor. At that time, she had no health insurance or money to spare.
Late that night the Lord showed me that it had not crossed my mind to pray for her! At that moment, my unbelief was staring me in the face. I texted her immediately, apologized and promised to pray for her right away. Later on she told me that she had trusted God and He healed her without having to go to the doctor. That humbling night was the beginning of a new quest for faith and love that continues to this day.
We don’t have all the answers as to why some are healed and some are not. But we know that God looks at the motivation of our hearts. True grace-filled faith always expresses itself through love. Galatians 5:6 If our motivation is the love of the Holy Spirit, there is no room for condemnation. Romans 1:8 We are all growing in His grace together!
Revisiting the Vision
Jesus knocked on my door and I invited Him to come speak to me. He chose to speak through a vision. I believe this vision draws us into intimate prayer where we wait on Him and He can do a powerful and loving work in our hearts and minds. When we wait on Him in prayer, He transforms us with His power like lightning from His hands!
Perfect In Christ
I was dressed in a white robe and appeared young in this vision. The Lord doesn’t look at us the way we are tempted to look at ourselves. Jesus knows who He created us to be. Psalm 139:13-18 He redeemed us when He died on the cross Ephesians 1:7-10 and His resurrection proves He has the power to save us!
Jesus sees us as perfect in Him and wants us to see ourselves that way too. Waiting in His presence, the lightning hands of Jesus are like a consuming fire, burning away what the enemy planted in our lives. His power delivers us, transforms our minds and cleanses our hearts when we are willing to stand in awe and reverence of His majesty and grace!
Therefore, since we receive a kingdom which cannot be shaken, let’s show gratitude, by which we may offer to God an acceptable service with reverence and awe; for our God is a consuming fire. Hebrews 12:28-29 NASB
Jesus Christ wants you to know Him personally. For a better understanding of who He is please click here: Meet Jesus

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