Miracles Through Medicine
Reading Time: 3 Minutes
The following post includes excerpts from the book, “Adventures in Paraguay– Our Story” by Frances Skinner, my mother. This account tells of two miracles through medicine that opened doors to share the love of Jesus in Paraguay. God called my father, Dr. William Skinner (the featured image) to serve Him in Paraguay as physician and missionary. His ministry allowed him to show the love of Jesus through compassionate care and excellent medicine. My dad shared the Good News of Jesus with every patient he encountered. Together my parents established churches in several towns and villages in Paraguay– leading many into the Kingdom of God. I am so blessed to have had wonderful parents who were amazing role models in ministry!
For many years evangelical missionaries in Paraguay encountered barriers that made it difficult to share the Gospel. The Baptist Hospital my dad helped start in 1952 broke some of those strongholds, but not without great trials. When the hospital was inaugurated, the locals were threatened by religious leaders to stay away. For that reason, the first few patients were not brought in until they were almost dead. In this story, my mother quotes my father. He mentions Dr. Fowler, another physician, missionary and friend.
Miracles Through Medicine
“One of the first patients who was admitted to the hospital was a woman who had lost her baby and was bleeding severely. I realized she needed blood, so I typed her blood and found a relative with the same type who gave blood for her. After drawing the blood and giving it to the patient, I was beginning a D & C when another emergency patient arrived. A neighborhood doctor had brought her in. He had been taking care of her, but when she began hemorrhaging he brought her to the new Baptist Hospital and left her.“
“Since I was still involved with the first patient, I told the office to send someone to get Dr. Fowler from his house, pronto! There was no telephone to call him. He lived within the compound not far away. As soon as possible, I joined Dr. Fowler in the delivery room. We determined that this was a case of placenta previa. The baby was in distress. The fetal heart tones were elevated. We worked and prayed all night amidst blood, sweat and tears. There was little hope for the mother and the baby. We were doing everything that we knew to do. The lives of the mother and child, and the reputation of the hospital was at stake.”
Joy Comes in the Morning!
“Towards dawn the next morning, as the sun began to rise, the requests to God turned to thanksgiving as the two women and the baby were resting quietly in their beds. God put His stamp of approval not he Baptist Hospital that night.”
“The well-equipped hospital gave a positive witness to the love of God as patients began to come for treatment. Its testimony broke down many prejudices against evangelicals.“
To the weak I became weak, to win the weak. I have become all things to all people so that by all possible means I might save some. I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings. 1 Corinthians 9:22-23 NIV
To read more excerpts from my mother’s book, Adventures in Paraguay look for “categories” on the Home Page and click “FRANCES SKINNER.” Thank you for reading! God bless you!

First Love