The Soldier
Reading Time: 9 Minutes In mid-April, 2024 I was waiting on the Lord to speak, and God gave me 2 simple visions back to back. The first was a still image of a harp which to me represents worship and…
Miracles Through Medicine
Reading Time: 3 Minutes The following post includes excerpts from the book, “Adventures in Paraguay– Our Story” by Frances Skinner, my mother. This account tells of two miracles through medicine that opened doors to share the love of Jesus in…
First Love
Reading Time: 9 Minutes On October 10, 2018 I woke up from a disturbing dream about a lack of love for those without Jesus. This is a symptom of spiritual apathy, or falling asleep. The remedy is to return to…
Resurrection Power
Reading Time: 7 minutes Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die; and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. John 11:25-26a NIV Jesus Himself is the resurrection and…
The Cross
Reading Time: 7 minutes There is no greater expression of love than for a person to give their own life to save another. Jesus, God’s Son, left Heaven and came to earth to die on the cross for us! He…
God Does Not Change
Reading Time: 5 Minutes This world is eerily changing like shadows that shift in the dark. But God does not change! He has always been and will always be loving, holy, righteous, forgiving and true. God is faithful! Give thanks…
God’s Kingdom
Reading Time: 14 Minutes God’s Kingdom, also called the Kingdom of Heaven, operates differently from this world. Our King’s strategy for life is filled with His love, grace and truth! Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat…
Quick to Believe
Reading Time: 4 Minutes Slow to Believe He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken! Luke 24:25 NIV This scripture takes place after Jesus came alive from the dead. Luke…
Psalm 20 & 24
Reading Time: 6 minutes Happy New Year! I pray 2024 will be a year of joy and blessing as we open the gates of our hearts and let the King of Glory have full reign in our lives! There will…
Holy People of Victory
Silent Reading Time: 7 minutes A Simple Clip Art Vision About a week before Christmas 2023 I woke up in the middle of the night and saw an image of Santa’s happy face. I had recently asked the Lord to…