Pray in Tongues
Reading Time: 5 Minutes
We are God’s Instruments of Love
A few years ago, the Lord was showing me the importance of praying in the Spirit. I decided to pray in tongues aloud as I drove to the grocery store, which was about 25 minutes away. There was no particular emphasis to the prayer time. I was truly trusting the Holy Spirit to intercede however He saw fit. About 10 minutes into the drive I saw a young lady about a block away to my right, running down a hill. As I continued to pray in the Spirit, I began to slow down. She frantically ran to the edge of the highway just as I stopped my car. It was obvious now that she had planned to run right out into the highway to end her life. But the Lord had other plans!
Our eyes met for a moment and I saw the desperation on her face. I motioned “stop” with my hand and I said, “No, no, don’t do this!” hoping to show her my concern. By then a young man who had been chasing her down the hill caught up with her. She turned away from the main road and darted down the turn lane as he chased after her. Then I realized there was a long string of cars behind me that had seen everything.
I proceeded forward in awe at how the Lord had strategically placed me there at just the right time. He had me in tune with the Holy Spirit so that I noticed her and knew what to do. It was a situation that could have ended her life. Most of us are not paying attention to side roads as we are driving along. I am convinced that praying in the Spirit was the redeeming factor in this situation. I may have been sitting in the driver’s seat, but because I was praying in the Spirit I was seated in Heavenly places. God was doing a work through me.
Divine Appointment
God loved her so much! He loves every single person, no matter what they are going through. God wants everyone to have the opportunity to meet Him and experience His love for eternity. I asked the Lord as I drove away, “Lord, should I turn around and try to minister to them?” I felt the Lord saying that He had accomplished what He wanted to do through me and would send someone else to help her.
I knew in that moment that only through the Holy Spirit had her life been spared. Perhaps my decision to pray in tongues helped save her life and possibly others. Who knows what kind of traffic accident may have taken place as a result of her desperate attempt to take her own life.
I Was In Training
Around two weeks later, another incident happened that would convince me of the power of praying in tongues in the Spirit. The Lord was teaching me– hands on.
I was driving to meet a lady at a restaurant about 25 minutes away. The Lord was working in her life and I was looking forward to seeing her. I decided to pray in tongues the whole way to prepare my heart. I was driving about 40 miles per hour on a main road when a small bright blue car in the oncoming traffic began drifting into my lane. This happens often but usually, the driver will notice their error and correct. So, I continued praying in tongues totally at peace, but the car kept drifting until it was almost half way into my lane. All this happened in a matter of a very few seconds. There was no time to look to the right to check for cars beside me. No time to safely make any kind of adjustments.
As the blue car was right in front of me, I somehow swerved to the right and he to his left. We missed each other by inches. I came back into my lane and glanced to my right. There was a car in the lane beside me, but just far enough back for me to have made that swerve. I didn’t have the ability to avoid the collision that day. It felt like someone helped me turn the wheel perfectly. There is no doubt in my mind that the Holy Spirit was commanding angels all around us, saving our lives. I am so grateful to God for this powerful gift He has freely given to us.
The Holy Spirit Knows What’s Ahead Of Us
The Holy Spirit wants to be intimately involved in every area of our lives. Praying in the Spirit is more powerful than most of us realize. It is an act of trust and submission to His authority, power and love.
He knows what we need even when we don’t! We sometimes think we know how to pray but don’t. He, on the other hand, knows exactly what’s going on. He knows what His will is for us and for those around us. One way you can begin walking in the Spirit is to pray in tongues. The Holy Spirit speaks for us to accomplish His will in the Kingdom, bringing life and peace.
The Holy Spirit Literally Prays Through Us
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness, for we do not know how we should pray, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with inexpressible groanings. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes on behalf of the saints according to God’s will. And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose, Romans 8:26-28 NET
Dear Holy Spirit, I pray that we would trust You more with our lives. Flow through us and bring life and love to those around us. Teach us to pray, Lord, and use us to bring Heaven to earth as You desire to do. We love you, Lord!
God loves you so much and He invites you to know Him personally and be filled with His Spirit. To know more, click here: Meet Jesus

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