Prepared To Share The Good News
Reading Time: 8 Minutes
College Days
My fears had led me to depend on the Lord through some really difficult times growing up. He had become not only my Savior, but my best Friend. But moving off to college was another big trial for me to face. As a freshman I felt socially and academically insecure and I was not fully prepared for that journey. But I knew Jesus was with me and for me, so no matter what I faced, I still smiled– everywhere I went.
Crash And Burn
One evening I was sitting on a stool at a long high table in the student café eating my supper. A guy came over and stood across from me. He asked me why I always smiled, but his tone made me feel that he was annoyed with me. It was the perfect opportunity to tell this young man about the joy I had in Jesus. But instead, I was intimidated by his demeanor and his guy friends staring from a table nearby. I sheepishly responded with something like, “Because I’m happy???” Ephesians 2:4-7
The Rescue
The guy just walked back over to his buddies and sat down. As they glanced back toward me I imagined what they were saying about me. So many condemning thoughts were bombarding my mind. I kept on eating, fighting back tears as I quietly prayed for inner strength.
Right then a kind, middle-aged, bald man walked over to me. He smiled, and said, “Don’t ever stop smiling.” He spoke to me for only a brief moment. I don’t remember anything else he said. But I do remember the fear and intimidation subsided as if he had carefully picked my soul off the floor and gently set it back in its place. I felt restored. Psalm 23:3
God rushed in and rescued me with His love! I never saw that kind man again or figured out whose was. One thing is for sure– God sent him to me at precisely the right moment. My confidence rose as I finished my meal with a smile.
Failure Is An Invitation For Success
This confrontation was an important little trial for me. I had been genuinely rejoicing in my heart, but totally unprepared to share the Gospel at a moments notice.
But set Christ apart as Lord in your hearts and always be ready to give an answer to anyone who asks about the hope you possess. Yet do it with courtesy and respect, keeping a good conscience, so that those who slander your good conduct in Christ may be put to shame when they accuse you. For it is better to suffer for doing good, if God wills it, than for doing evil. 1 Peter 3:15-17 NET
I quickly repented, made adjustments in my heart and began praying for opportunities to share my faith in Jesus. That way, I would always be ready! The proof of our faith is in our mouth!
But what does it say? “The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (that is, the word of faith which we preach): that if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the Scripture says, “Whoever believes on Him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:8-11 NKJV
Everything We Do Flows From Our Hearts
Salvation is a gift of grace through our faith in Christ. We cannot earn Salvation by our works. But when our faith is real, it will flow from our mouths and through our actions. Now that we have been freed by His grace, it is our honor and privilege to minister His grace to others.
For by grace you have been saved through faith; and this is not of yourselves, it is the gift of God; not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we would walk in them. Ephesians 2:8-10 NASB
Not every Christian is called to be a full-time evangelist. The Holy Spirit has specific gifts and plans for each member of the Body of Christ. Some gifts may be different, but every believer can be full of God’s love and ready with the Good News of Jesus Christ. We literally have to ask the Lord to prepare us with His love and confidence to shine.
For whoever is ashamed [here and now] of Me and My words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when He comes in His glory and the glory of the [heavenly] Father and of the holy angels. Luke 9:26 AMP
Let His Light Shine
More recently (2019) I was driving the interstate to visit my sweet mother and stopped for lunch at a restaurant. When I am alone driving for hours, I usually take the opportunity to pray, worship and listen to anointed teaching. That’s what I had been doing that morning. I remember feeling so encouraged and energized in the Holy Spirit.
As I was sitting at my table waiting on my food, the waitress brought my hot tea and said something like, “I don’t know if anyone has ever told you this before, but you have a special presence coming from you.” I jumped at the chance to tell her that the presence was Jesus. My heart was prepared and I was not ashamed of the Lord!
Divine Appointment
On another long trip to visit my parents, I was getting off the interstate to eat supper. I hesitantly told the Lord that if He had someone for me to encourage, I would do it– if only He would give me some kind of cue. I got my meal and went to a table outside to enjoy the sunshine. A young family sat down at the table next to me. The dad took one of their boys to the fast food restaurant next door to get what he wanted to eat. Then they brought it back to eat with the mom and his brother.
I’ll be honest. The Lord had singled them out showing me the father’s kind action toward his son. This was my cue. As I sat there eating, I kept asking the Lord, “What should I say?!” We finished our meals at about the same time, so as they were cleaning up I stood and turned their way. We greeted each other and then I said, “I feel like God wanted me to tell you something. He loves you so much and He is proud of the way you are raising your boys.”
Only God’s Power
The wife checked on the kids who had stepped behind her and then welled up with tears as she looked straight at me. She told me, “Thank you,” as she glanced at her husband and back to me. In one short sentence she said that they were having marriage problems and that this was the confirmation they needed to not give up. He started crying too and began to thank me. We all hugged. I gave them a short encouraging word and said goodbye as their little boys were heading toward the exit gate.
The Power Of The Holy Spirit
How astounding! I only told them Jesus was proud of them. But the Holy Spirit spoke so much more! His power and presence were on my weak and simple words, and He saved a marriage! I’m telling you now. If God can use me, He can use anyone! Wherever we go, we can be prepared to share the love of God. The Holy Spirit can do more in one minute of frailty than we can do in a lifetime by our own power.
For shoes, put on the peace that comes from the Good News so that you will be fully prepared. Ephesians 6:15 NLT
Dear Lord, I pray that we will be so full of Jesus in the private place of prayer that people will be blessed in public. May we remember the glory of your grace, listen to Your Spirit, and care enough to speak life to a stranger. May they be astounded by Your love! In Jesus name, amen!
Thank you for reading! God bless you!
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Power and Authority