• low section of man against sky

    No Record of Wrongdoing!

    Reading Time: 3 Minutes This morning as I was communing with the Lord, He brought up the subject of shame. He reminded me of a story someone told me that I am not at liberty to share with you. But…

  • Jesus Crying

    The Emotions of God

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes Is God emotional? Apparently He is. It makes sense because we are made in the image of God and we have feelings and emotions. But because of “the fall” of humanity when Adam and Eve sinned,…

  • God is light.

    Your House

    Reading Time: 4 Minutes When a strong man, fully armed, guards his own house, his possessions are safe. But when someone stronger attacks and overpowers him, he takes away the armor in which the man trusted and divides up his plunder.…

  • photo of woman looking at the mirror

    No Longer Accused!

    Reading Time: 7 minutes If you are trying to follow Jesus but are still easily hurt by the condemning words of others or the inward accusations of your own thought life, I believe this post will help you. When we…


    The Night I Met Jesus

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes A Good Foundation I learned about Jesus from the time I was born. My parents were missionaries to Asuncion, Paraguay and their relationship with God was real. Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves The Little Children and…

  • God has pronounced you clean


    Reading Time: 9 Minutes Peter’s Vision The apostle Peter was very hungry one day while he was praying on his roof and he saw a vision. A sheet came down from heaven filled with all kinds of animals considered to…

  • green tree

    A Nation That Repents

    Reading Time: 5 Minutes MODERN DAY THOUGHTS ABOUT ISAIAH CHAPTER 1 AND A NATION THAT REPENTS When a “Christian nation” falls into sin so that even its laws are evil, it has made itself vulnerable to attack from the devil.…


    The Fear of Man

    Reading Time: 11 Minutes The fear of man keeps us from following God. But the fear of the Lord is the first step to knowing God and His love. The Fear Of The Lord The fear of the Lord is…

  • Whirlwind

    The Only Safe Place ~ Jesus

    Reading Time: 9 Minutes On January 31, 2020 I had a dream in which the Lord showed me that the only safe place to weather a storm of any kind is in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy…


    Joy in the Holy Spirit

    Reading Time: 9 Minutes For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, because anyone who serves Christ in this way is pleasing to God and…