• The Oak at Ophrah

    Gideon – Part 2 – The Rock

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes The Rock The Lord lives! Praise be to my Rock! Exalted be my God, the Rock, my Savior! 2 Samuel 22:47 NIV The whole story of Gideon fascinates me! When we look at the pattern of…

  • Israel cried out

    Gideon – Part 1 – They Cried Out

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes As a child, I only heard about the victories of Gideon. As an adult, I realized there was so much more to the story– found in the book of Judges, chapters 6-9. Israel had the habit…

  • God is Light

    God is Powerful Light!

    Reading Time: 10 Minutes Visions of Light On Sept. 28, 2024 I was in prayer and saw a simple vision of tube-shaped fluorescent light bulbs. There were around 8 of them arranged randomly and their lights were turned on. When…

  • Follow the Holy Spirit

    We Have the Spirit of God

    Reading Time: 10 Minutes Crippling Lies I have depression. I’m poor. I have bad luck. I’m stupid. I am alone. I’m worthless. I am such a loser. I’m not loved. I am an addict. I’m going to get sick. I…


    “Breakout” With The Holy Spirit

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes Our daughter, Lindsay, and her husband, Joel, had just closed on a house and were taking a month to do some remodeling before moving in. I drove a couple of hours from our home to help…


    The Law and the Spirit

    Reading Time: 17 Minutes The Old Covenant Law and the New Covenant Spirit The Apostles had to teach the early church how to live by the Holy Spirit of grace instead of living by the law. I believe we battle…

  • praying alone

    Jesus’ Lightning Hands

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes A Vision This vision took place sometime in 2018 or shortly before that time. I woke up to 3 or 4 loud knocks right in front of my face. These were like knocks on a wooden…


    The Journey

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes Listening Skills It was early one Monday morning of September, 2013. The weather was comfortable and the sun was already drying the dew. I decided to take my hot green tea, my devotional book, journal, and…


    Pray in Tongues

    Reading Time: 5 Minutes We are God’s Instruments of Love A few years ago, the Lord was showing me the importance of praying in the Spirit. I decided to pray in tongues aloud as I drove to the grocery store,…

  • But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Acts 1:8

    Power and Authority

    Reading Time: 6 Minutes This shocking dream reveals why many Christians do not share their faith in Jesus. God has given us power and authority through the Holy Spirit to share the Gospel! Dream: July 12, 2018 I dreamed I…