• Missionary doctor, Bill Skinner

    Miracles Through Medicine

    Reading Time: 3 Minutes The following post includes excerpts from the book, “Adventures in Paraguay– Our Story” by Frances Skinner, my mother. This account tells of two miracles through medicine that opened doors to share the love of Jesus in…

  • tired female student lying on book in library

    First Love

    Reading Time: 9 Minutes On October 10, 2018 I woke up from a disturbing dream about a lack of love for those without Jesus. This is a symptom of spiritual apathy, or falling asleep. The remedy is to return to…

  • clouds

    God’s Kingdom

    Reading Time: 14 Minutes God’s Kingdom, also called the Kingdom of Heaven, operates differently from this world. Our King’s strategy for life is filled with His love, grace and truth! Don’t store up treasures here on earth, where moths eat…


    The Night I Met Jesus

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes A Good Foundation I learned about Jesus from the time I was born. My parents were missionaries to Asuncion, Paraguay and their relationship with God was real. Jesus Loves Me, Jesus Loves The Little Children and…


    Unlock the Front Door

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes I awoke from a dream from the Lord the morning of August 27, 2020. I believe it was a message for Christians and certainly for me as well. It was a dream urging us to unlock…

  • a metal armor

    The Armor Of God

    Reading Time: 9 Minutes On August 13, 2020 I was driving to Paducah, KY to visit my mother for a few days. I had been listening to the book of Ephesians, and as Paul was describing the armor of God…


    The Fishing Chandelier

    Reading Time: 4 Minutes A Vision On June 16, 2020, I asked the Lord if now is the time to do evangelism, as in physically going outside and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I knew that the Lord was…


    The Law and the Spirit

    Reading Time: 17 Minutes The Old Covenant Law and the New Covenant Spirit The Apostles had to teach the early church how to live by the Holy Spirit of grace instead of living by the law. I believe we battle…

  • Whirlwind

    The Only Safe Place ~ Jesus

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes On January 31, 2020 I had a dream in which the Lord showed me that the only safe place to weather a storm of any kind is in Christ Jesus through the power of the Holy…


    Prepared To Share The Good News

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes College Days My fears had led me to depend on the Lord through some really difficult times growing up. He had become not only my Savior, but my best Friend. But moving off to college was…