The Beautiful Famous Lady
Reading Time: 6 Minutes
On January 27, 2023 I had a dream where I was the onlooker. I was watching a beautiful young and famous lady who was about to go out onto a big stage. But she noticed that her long dark hair was not clean or styled. She quickly bent over at the waist so that her hair hung downward. Then water flowed over her head and hair to cleanse it. As she straightened back up she flipped her hair and it settled into place. It was clean, dry and looked very nice. She fluffed her hair slightly by running her fingers through three or four strands and suddenly wide waves and curls appeared all over. Her long dark hair was absolutely gorgeous no matter how she touched it!
The famous lady pulled a small amount of hair loosely to the crown of her head and secured it with a clasp. She was stunning to look at! And now she was ready to take the stage!
The Famous Lady
I believe the famous lady in this dream represents the Bride of Christ. In the Bible, the Lord sometimes refers to His people as His “Bride” and to Himself as “Husband” or “Groom.” For the past 2,000 years, Christianity has become known to most of the world.
In many ways “the church” has become famous. But too often, the famous lady’s hair has been soiled, misrepresenting the glory and majesty of Jesus Christ.
Her Covering
I believe the lady’s long hair represents the spiritual covering over her mind and heart. The world can soil our minds with the lies of the enemy, turning our hearts away from Jesus, our covering. If we have allowed the devil to soil the way we think and to lose the love we had when we first met Jesus, we need a fresh cleansing. Only Jesus has the power to do that and He will! But it will require our full cooperation, submission and obedience to Jesus Christ. Our motivation is our love for Him!
We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 NIV
In this dream, the famous lady bowed at the waist. I believe this represents humility and submissive prayer. If we look into the mirror of our minds and hearts and realize our thoughts and attitudes don’t look like Heaven, the first thing we must do is bow before our King. The prideful will not even see clearly enough to bow. The poor in spirit, will be able to humble themselves before the Lord.
In that spiritual posture of humility the Lord can sanctify us– set us apart from the world so we can be seated with God in the heavenly realms. Our relationship with Jesus is forever and it begins now. We must always remain humble before Him so He can transform us from glory to glory in this life!
Living Water
Living Water comes from Jesus! It cleanses the Bride– those in love with Him! This Living Water is flowing continuously upon the hearts and minds of those who stay humble before the Lord. This cleansing is not a cold transaction or a belief system. It is a vibrant love relationship with Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit. The more we are sanctified, the more His grace can flow through us!
…that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word… Ephesians 5:26 NKJV
One way the Living Water flows over the covering of our hearts and minds is through the Word of God. We can be washed by the Word if we read or listen to God’s Word, asking Holy Spirit to purify us and make us like Jesus. The Bride of Christ is born again to be “one” with Jesus so when we don’t reflect the beauty of the Holy Spirit, we must be washed anew.
We can look into the mirror of our thoughts and the attitudes of our hearts and compare them to the Word of God. Then we will be ready to humble ourselves, spend time with Jesus and allow Him to cleanse us with living water. As her heart and mind are purified, the Bride of Christ will be able to stand confidently upright, displaying the glory of His goodness.
The Clasp
The famous lady fluffed her hair with her fingers and the long wavy curls framed her beautifully. I believe the Lord was showing us that we participate in the preparation process. Though we cannot cleanse ourselves, we have a part in getting our hearts and minds ready to present the Gospel in all of its glory. The love that God gives us will lead us to be compassionate toward those in need, and to stay in the righteousness of Jesus Christ no matter what is happening in the world around us. We begin shining His glory in the secret places in humility, even before we are ushered on to the big public stage. Freely we have been given, so freely we give!
Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world. James 1:27 NASB
The gorgeous famous lady then pulled some of her hair up in a clasp at the crown of her head. I can’t help but think of Psalm 103, a Psalm that commands the mind, will and emotions to praise the Lord for all of His many benefits. Verse 4 reveals that God’s love and compassion rest upon our heads like a crown.
…Who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies… Psalm 103:4 NKJV
As we get to know Jesus intimately through the Spirit, we begin to think and therefore behave like our Father. As royal sons and daughters, we carry His authority in union with the supernatural love and power of Holy Spirit. It is the grace of God at work in our hearts and minds.
The Stage
The Lord is preparing His Bride to step out on “the big stage.” This is a public stage that will give Jesus all the glory! He wants each of us to allow Him to purify our minds and hearts right now so we can participate in revealing His glory to the world in the end times. The world is getting darker and darker. But His glory is rising in those who are purposefully humbling themselves before Him.
In the secret place of adoration, submission, mind renewal, repentance and deliverance they are being made ready. We will be delightfully astounded by the power of God flowing beautifully through those who were once broken beyond human repair– but poor in spirit. While some were distracted by many other things, the humble only wanted to get closer to the One they loved, to be washed daily with His Living Water and to follow His lead in loving others.
When the Bride has made herself ready, God’s glory will arise upon His Beloved. The Light of Jesus upon His Bride will be immense. I believe the world will see God’s goodness and hear the Good News of Jesus proclaimed with power– in greater measure than any other time in history. We are already seeing evidence of His glory rising in the earth now. Many who are hungry for truth are coming to Jesus! And when all the chairs in the heavenly realm have been filled, the Lord will come again and take His Bride home!
Beautiful Famous Lady– make yourself ready!
Let us rejoice and be glad and give him glory! For the wedding of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready. Revelation 19:7 NIV