The Fishing Chandelier
Reading Time: 4 Minutes
A Vision
On June 16, 2020, I asked the Lord if now is the time to do evangelism, as in physically going outside and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ. I knew that the Lord was and is using the internet in a beautiful way, and it has been very useful during the Covid 19 pandemic. But there seemed to be something personal and powerful missing; sharing the Gospel of Jesus with others face to face. There is a restless feeling, an urgency about sharing the Gospel that I can’t shake. I know in my heart that many in the Body of Christ feel the same way.
The Fishing Chandelier
As soon as I asked the Lord this question in prayer, with my eyes closed I began to see an image. The first image was a fish hook, but it was very unusual. The best way I can describe it is that it looked like a chandelier made of wood with hooks installed on it instead of lights. A fishing line suspended it. I was looking at it from the side and could see three hooks from my point of view, so I assume there were more on the other side.
The Sea Of Hands
Once I got a good look at it, the fishing chandelier disappeared and I began to see something else. I saw a body of water and hands started coming up out of the water up to the elbow. More and more hands popped up until there were too many to count.
The Interpretation
The message from God was clear. It’s time! The Chandelier is the Light of the Gospel coming down from Heaven. It is the message of the wooden cross of Jesus Christ. The hands going up are people saying, “Pick me! I’m here! Me, me, me! Over here! Throw the line in over here! Pick me!”
Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Mark 1:17 NLT
The Gospel In The Right Light
The Lord is saying that we need to be sharing the Gospel of Jesus. Everywhere we go people are ready, and their hearts are begging for the pure message of the Gospel of Light. They want Jesus, they just haven’t heard about Him in the right Light. Our personal testimony will be welcomed by many.
When we speak of what Jesus has done for us, power from the Holy Spirit accompanies our words as if the line was cast from Heaven itself. Why are there several hooks on the line? When we share our testimony of the saving grace of Jesus Christ on the street, in our neighborhoods, at the park, at work, etc. many will come into the Kingdom. We are entering into a time of spiritual multiplication.
“How, then, can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can anyone preach unless they are sent? As it is written: “How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Romans 10:14-15 NIV
God Is Personal
If your church preaches the Gospel regularly, you have a perfect opportunity to invite people. God has equipped you to share the Gospel in unique ways. I may reach out in one way and you in another. So allow the Holy Spirit to lead you and let’s get creative.
Some non-believers have the impression that Churches are just another business wanting money. The Kingdom of God is not about taking but about giving. God’s love, and His Kingdom will multiply when we are so in love with Jesus that we continually look for the person with the hand raised. Many hands are waving. The water is over their heads and they are hoping someone will rescue them. The Holy Spirit will show us who they are if we will make ourselves available to share Jesus from our hearts.
What Motivates Us?
Will some reject our message of Jesus? Yes, Jesus said they would. He also said that we are blessed when this happens and we must never become offended or feel defeated. It’s part of living the crucified life for the glory of God. If your motivation is pure and your heart full of grace, your message will not have been shared in vain. Some salesmen in the world are pushy, but we are not. It is the Holy Spirit who draws people to God through us. We simply throw out the line because we love them. Perhaps they will go home and raise their hands to the Lord Himself!
It’s so beautiful to know that hands are popping up out of the sea. Let’s keep our fishing gear in hand!
Do you have your hand raised? To find out more about Jesus Christ and His love for you, please click here: Meet Jesus

The Glory Of The Lord Is Rising