The Glory of God in America!
Reading Time: 7 Minutes
On July 11, 2024 the Lord gave me a vision. I believe the Lord is saying we will see the glory of God in America! I had just waked up and was talking with the Lord as I sat on the edge of the bed. My eyes were closed. A video of the American flag waving in the wind covered the screen of my minds eye in full color. I sat still, amazed and waiting for more. Immediately, the number 3 appeared in brilliant white in a beautiful bold font behind the flag and emerged forward through it. I remained still, watching with my eyes closed to see if there was more. The number 3 disappeared and the number 2 came forward in the same fashion with the flag still waving.
The American Flag
There is no doubt in my mind that the United States of America was birthed by God to be a light to the world. Its true history is undeniably miraculous! Through perilous times, the early pilgrims prayed and dedicated this land to Jesus Christ. Many Americans gave their lives during the Revolutionary war so this land could be free from England’s oppressive rule. Prayers were offered up to God and miracles took place bringing the early Americans victory. The brilliance of the US Constitution has kept our nation free. And though we have not been perfect, the Gospel of Jesus Christ has gone out from this beautiful country to every continent and nation of the earth.
Faith in the only true living God is the reason for the strength and love we have experienced in the United States. Though we have been hated by various nations through the years, the US has brought prosperity and hope to its citizens, and a great measure of stability to the world. God has done this by His grace. But He has worked through those who revere Him as Judge and love Him as Savior.
Something Changed
I remember a day when the Bible was read freely in public schools and teachers were allowed to share the Gospel with their students. Prayer was expected at public gatherings. Most Americans were familiar with The 10 Commandments, and even if they didn’t know Christ they felt convicted if they broke one of them. The morals of the Bible have been the ruler by which Americas laws were measured bringing God’s great blessings to our land.
However, if laws could keep a nation Godly we would have achieved Godliness at some point in our history. The laws of our God reflected in the laws of our land are of extreme importance! But behind the moral laws of a nation is the heart of its people.
The love of many Christians in America grew cold and allowed the enemy to gain a foothold in our nation. Some Christians have been more interested in “fitting in” to American culture, or even church culture, than they have been in their personal relationship with God.
The Lord is urging His people to wake up and pay attention to the Holy Spirit! God loves America and has good plans for her, but we must cooperate with Him. Each one of us must abandon our own will and desires to do whatever God says– no matter the cost. At the core of everything we are is God’s love for us and our love for God that overflows to loving others. That “core” is the Holy Spirit. I believe that spiritual awakening has begun to emerge even now!
The Number 3
There are many chapters and verses with the numbers 3 and 2 that may be applied to this vision. I encourage you to look into them as I have. But I believe the Lord is highlighting certain Biblical meanings using these numbers.
As I was praying about the number 3, the Trinity came to my mind. God is.. 3 Persons in One– the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. If the US flag in this vision represents our nation, God wants to shine again in America. In fact, I believe this vision is a prophetic decree that we must make. God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit will be exalted in the United States of America! I believe the glory of the Lord will shine through America in a powerful way for all the world to see!
We may go through difficult times before we see our nation turn around. But with God, all things are possible! Our greatest desire is for God to be exalted and to have His way in the USA and in all the earth!
The Number 2
As I was praying about the number 2, I thought of unity in the Body of Christ. As Christians we are seated with God in the heavenly realms by the Holy Spirit. When Christians are seated together with God, that means God is in control of the Table. The great thing is that God loves us! He wants what is best for His children! But sometimes we as Christians get up from God’s Table and wander off, not paying attention to His Word or His Spirit. If we aren’t paying attention to Him we can’t possibly do God’s will, and we become part of the problem.
But when we pay attention to God’s Spirit and make the Word supreme in our hearts we become who we were born-again to be– part of the solution. By the power of the Spirit we will look different from the world. We will stand together confidently in unity as a great and mighty army. But they will know we are Christians by the way we love one another. We see eye to eye because our gaze is fixed on Jesus, and we stand shoulder to shoulder because God is guiding us forward. His laws are written on our hearts so that we follow His lead.
If we are in Christ, we all move together in unity. Trivial matters become trivial and God matters in regard to everything. We back one another up in prayer, cheering each other along in the callings and giftings of the Holy Spirit. A house divided cannot stand and we are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. If we’re built up in Christ we will be unified in His love. Our main purpose will be to love others into the Kingdom and to take care of each other.
But my people would not listen to me. They kept doing whatever they wanted, following the stubborn desires of their evil hearts. They went backward instead of forward. Jeremiah 7:24 NLT
Our nation, the US, is at a crossroads. We are facing some turbulent times. So, how do we proceed? Throughout the Word, God commands us to move toward Him as individuals and as a nation. The Lord has commissioned us to rule on the earth and has given us authority over demonic powers. We must all pray for our nation. Prayer is powerful especially when motivated by God’s love! But faith without works is dead. Put your prayers in action and vote for the person that is most likely to lead our nation forward toward God and His morals.
God spoke through Mordecai to Esther:
For if you remain silent at this time, relief and deliverance for the Jews will arise from another place, but you and your father’s family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to your royal position for such a time as this? Esther 4:14 NIV
If you are able to vote but you remain silent, relief and deliverance for America will arise from the votes and efforts of others. But don’t forget that God is taking note of our hearts and our actions. Do not relinquish your role as a Royal son or daughter of God! You were born for this moment and your vote will make a difference– both in the heart of our Father and in this nation He loves so very much.
3– Honor God 2– Walk in Unity
Brothers and sisters around the world, please pray for the USA during this very important election on Tuesday, November 5th, 2024. We also pray for you and your nation to be blessed!
So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10 NIV
The glory of the Lord will shine through America in splendor and majesty if we choose to honor God and walk in unity!
Then the nations will tremble before the Lord. The kings of the earth will tremble before his glory. Psalm 102:15. NLT

God is Powerful Light!