The Journey
Reading Time: 7 Minutes
Listening Skills
It was early one Monday morning of September, 2013. The weather was comfortable and the sun was already drying the dew. I decided to take my hot green tea, my devotional book, journal, and Bible outside under the shady arbor. Sitting at the wrought iron table, I began to try to listen to God speak. The journey I was on with God was about to take a little turn for the better. I had been intentionally working on my listening skills that whole year. And the day before, Pastor Jay had spoken about listening to the Holy Spirit. But still, I struggled with a runaway mind that made it hard to hear God speak.
I prayed for our family every day. Mark and I were tweaking our discipleship program calendar for a new school term. We truly wanted God’s best for the students. I brought these and other requests to the Lord every day, sometimes several times a day. There was no doubt that He was hearing my requests. I just needed my mind to slow down so I could hear Him speak. So I finished my devotional reading, wrote in my journal and sat still, waiting and listening.
Waiting On The Lord
All I could hear was the loud, old air conditioning unit just about 4 yards away. It was so annoying! I told God, “If that thing wasn’t so loud, I think I could hear You better!” I thought about going inside and turning the thermostat off. But then I reasoned that listening to God is spiritual, so the AC motor shouldn’t matter. Still unfocused, I looked around at the plants and flowers that had survived the hot summer. The water fountain was calming and the birds chirping all around me were very happy. God had spoken to me through a hummingbird once before. So I asked Him if He was planning on speaking through the birds again. I didn’t hear Him respond, so I took that as a “No.”
Impatient Prayer
Honestly, I remember wondering how long this was going to take! But since it was my day off, I had time to spare, so I waited. I had already determined to pursue Him no matter the cost, but I was truly having to take baby steps. My mind wandered a little and I pulled it back. I prayed, “I’m listening, Lord. How do you want to speak to me today?” I thought He was going to drop a thought into my head, so I kept trying to relax and listen, despite the distractions. A train whistled in the distance to my right. I asked God, “Are you trying to say something to me through the train?” But my desire for Him to speak in a spiritual voice overruled the question and I kept listening for Him internally. Now all I could hear was that train.
I began to tell God my frustrations about prayer. My mind would get stuck on a thought, problem, or worry. I needed Him to help me take my thoughts captive. His peace and joy had grown inside me to a certain degree, but I wanted more. I knew it was time for me to get to that next level.
There was no apparent response from the Lord, only the diminishing rumble of the train and the whistle growing more faint every second. I asked again, “Are You trying to tell me something through the train?” At that very moment, the air conditioning unit turned off. Another train, to my left, assertively blew its whistle and the growing rumble of the train engine captured my attention. My heart leaped! I was stunned! In all the years we had lived in that house I had never noticed the sound of the trains. At that moment I joyfully responded, “Well, alright then! You want to speak to me about trains! What about trains?” He said, “Get on the Train.” Of course, I responded with, “What does that mean?” And over the next few minutes He spoke to my heart.
Get On The Train!
He lovingly said something like this, “We’re going somewhere, but you don’t know where we’re going. That’s why you are frustrated. Although you are praying, you are trying to get to the destination on foot, by your own power. You don’t even know where the destination is. You are wearing yourself out. Only I know where we’re going and only I have the power to get you there.”
“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” Matthew 11:28-30 NIV
With all the kindness that His Spirit is, He continued, “I am the Train. I have provided the power and the plan, the adventure and the joy of the Journey. I need you to simply get on the Train. There will be things for us to do along the way, but I really want you to enjoy the ride. There is much to see and experience. Leave that baggage outside on the curb. You don’t need that. There is very little you need to bring and you can put it on the luggage rack. Get on the Train and be seated! You’re going to love this!”
It Was Worth The Wait!
After that encounter with the Lord, I never heard so many trains in my life! They’re everywhere! Whether I am at home, church, or on vacation in a hotel, there is a train! He is there to remind me with the whistle and powerful engine of a train that He is my everything! Jesus is my journey and my destination, now and for eternity. The Train has been a powerful “sight and sound” kind of ongoing revelation from God helping me understand who I am in Christ.
Whenever I hear a train I remember my safe place in Jesus Christ. I smile and respond with, “I love you, Jesus!” I listen to His voice and check my heart to make sure my soul is seated peacefully in Him. Often times I will be in a moment of communion with God and a train whistle blows. I know the Lord orchestrates moments like that just for me so that the encounter with Him becomes extra special. So, I keep reaping the benefits of that one day when I chose to wait on His voice.
On The Right Track
Sometimes in the middle of the night, head still on the pillow, I will turn my thoughts to the Lord. In the stillness I will hear a train whistle blow. His loving affirmation and peace rise to another level in those moments. It reminds me of The Beautiful Dream and how I am seated in Christ with God. I am never without Him and I know I’m on the right track. He is a very loving and personal God!
We’re All In This Together
I love it that this Train has many cars filled with seats for all of the Father’s sons and daughters. This also reminds me of the Table in The Beautiful Dream. We are not alone! Together we are with Him, and in Him we are in fellowship with each other through the Spirit of Christ. In His Spirit we are all on the same Journey in His Kingdom. The Lord has different things for each of us to do. But in Christ, we are unified and moving as His Body, fulfilling His purpose in His Kingdom together!
The Journey is so much sweeter when we take the time to listen to His voice! What an adventurous God we have!
Dear Father, help us hear Your voice in any way You want to speak. Thank you for letting us rest in the power of Your love and grace. Unite us, Your children, in Christ’s love so we can enjoy the adventure of our Journey with You! In Jesus Name, Amen!
God loves you so much and He invites you to journey with Him personally. To find out more about Jesus Christ, click this link: Meet Jesus
