The Law and the Spirit
Reading Time: 17 Minutes
The Old Covenant Law and the New Covenant Spirit
The Apostles had to teach the early church how to live by the Holy Spirit of grace instead of living by the law. I believe we battle the same problem today, only it has re-emerged under new disguises. The Lord wants us to step away from fear of punishment and shame so we can be seated restfully in God’s grace.
The Gospel, Our Foundation
We are born again by faith in the grace of Jesus Christ. Ephesians 2:8-9 Our rebirth is supernatural by God’s Spirit. Jesus took our punishment, died in our place, and was resurrected again to life through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 8:11 So when we believe this, our old self dies and we come alive in Christ! Galatians 2:20 We no longer live for ourselves, but in Him and for Him. 1 Corinthians 6:19-20
The power and love of the Holy Spirit should become our focus upon entering this new life in Christ. We are now born-again sons and daughters of God, our Father. He sees us as perfect through the Blood of Jesus. The Father has accepted us, not because of our accomplishments but because our faith is in Jesus.
God’s Spirit lives inside us now! Now that we follow the Holy Spirit, we are not only ready for heaven, we have power to live a victorious life here on earth to glorify our Father.
Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit who gives life has set you free from the law of sin and death. For what the law was powerless to do because it was weakened by the flesh, God did by sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh to be a sin offering. And so he condemned sin in the flesh, in order that the righteous requirement of the law might be fully met in us, who do not live according to the flesh but according to the Spirit. Romans 8:1-4 NIV
The Spirit Gives Life
Trying to do good works in our own strength to gain God’s approval or the approval of others is what the Bible calls “living by the law.” No matter how good they are, our own works are dead and create death. But living by the Holy Spirit’s power in us brings life to the full.
Old Testament Faith
Is The Law Bad?
God established law from the beginning. Remember the fruit from that tree in the garden of Eden that Adam and Eve were told not to eat? They disobeyed God’s command and their sin caused them to be spiritually separated from God whose presence is life. Genesis 2:15 God’s laws are good! They have always been good and always will be. They are for our benefit.
Grace In The Garden
After Eve and Adam sinned they were condemned to death by their own actions and they felt ashamed before God. To cover their shame, God killed an animal and made clothing for them. Genesis 3:21 This loving act represented the covering of grace that would provide forgiveness for them by Jesus Christ’s death on the cross. Jesus had not physically died yet. But He had already been chosen by God to one day pay for our sins by His death on the cross. 1 Peter 1:18-21 His gift of grace became available in advance to all who would believe in God’s love and mercy.
Grace On The Ark
The story of Noah’s ark (huge boat) and the great flood that covered the whole earth happened many generations after Adam and Eve. The world at that time existed without written laws and had become irreversibly wicked. Genesis 6:5 Only Noah’s family had chosen to follow God and believe in His merciful love.
Noah’s ark built of wood is a picture of God’s grace. We are saved by our faith in Christ. Noah was a preacher of righteousness. 2 Peter 2:5 The people of Noah’s day mocked him for obeying God and building the ark. They chose rebellion, sin, unbelief and eternal punishment. 1 Peter 3:20 Without the enforcement of Godly laws, sin spreads like a wildfire among unbelievers, consuming the whole earth in wickedness.
Noah believed in God’s plan of grace first, then followed God’s instructions for building the ark. That’s exactly the blueprint for our lives in the Spirit. We begin with faith in God’s grace and then we follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.
The Faith Of Abraham
God had “reset” the world during the flood but there was still no written law defining right from wrong. Noah’s family multiplied. They spread out and formed cities and nations. Some of Noah’s descendants followed after the Lord and some didn’t. Abraham was one of Noah’s descendants who kept the faith and believed God. He had a personal relationship with the Lord and spoke with Him regularly.
For if Abraham was justified by works, he has something to boast about; but not before God. For what does the Scripture say? “Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.” Now to the one who works, the wages are not credited as a favor, but as what is due. But to the one who does not work, but believes in Him who justifies the ungodly, his faith is credited as righteousness… Romans 4:2-5 NASB
Like Noah, Abraham believed in God’s mercy and grace. His faith in God saved him. Abraham knew that his works could not make him righteous. But because he had faith in God, he obeyed God’s instructions, receiving grace for life on earth and forever in Heaven.
The New Testament is very clear that we are saved by faith in the grace of Jesus Christ. Old Testament believers were also saved by faith in God’s grace, not by the law. Abraham was proof of this because he lived before the 10 Commandments were given. He didn’t obey God in order to earn God’s mercy. Abraham believed and experienced the love and grace of God, therefore he obeyed God.
The Law Through Moses
There was no formal law given by God until the children of Israel were rescued from Egyptian slavery by God’s man, Moses. Even after a supernaturally spectacular escape through the Red Sea, the Hebrews were determined to disobey. As Moses met with God on the mountain, the people worshiped an Egyptian god and committed gross sin! God intervened by giving them the 10 Commandments. Exodus 20:1-21
Without God’s laws, they would have destroyed one another in the wilderness and the lineage of our Savior would have been cut off! The world would have fallen into the same darkness as the days of Noah. But God used these laws to keep the world and the ancestry of Jesus alive until the time was right for the Messiah to come.
But when the set time had fully come, God sent his Son, born of a woman,born under the law, to redeem those under the law, that we might receive adoption to sonship. Because you are his sons, God sent the Spirit of his Son into our hearts, the Spirit who calls out, “Abba, Father.” So you are no longer a slave, but God’s child; and since you are his child, God has made you also an heir. Galatians 4:4-7 NIV
All of the laws, festivals, animal sacrifices etc. God gave the children of Israel reflect His love and compassion for all people. The tabernacle itself and all the laws associated with it are a beautiful picture or shadow of the cross of Jesus Christ, the born again experience, and the Holy Spirit who resides within us today [Exodus 25-30].
In the days of Moses, anyone who truly sought the Lord from their hearts would have been able to receive a revelation of God’s grace and should have seen that He was a personal and merciful God. There were times that God had to discipline His people so that they would understand the loving nature of His laws. Isaiah 58
New Testament Faith
The Person Relying On Works Is Under A Curse
For all who rely on doing the works of the law are under a curse, because it is written, “Cursed is everyone who does not keep on doing everything written in the book of the law.” Now it is clear no one is justified before God by the law, because the righteous one will live by faith. But the law is not based on faith, but the one who does the works of the law will live by them. Christ redeemed us from the curse of the law by becoming a curse for us (because it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”) in order that in Christ Jesus the blessing of Abraham would come to the Gentiles, so that we could receive the promise of the Spirit by faith. Galatians 3:10-14 NET
Jesus took our curse when He suffered and died on the cross. And His resurrection makes it possible for us to be born again to live by the Holy Spirit!
The Fulfillment Of The Law
God’s mercy was a mystery in the Old Testament days. They had to have the law to show them their need for a Savior, and so do we. Romans 3:20 The animal sacrifices represented the cross, redemption, and the blood sacrifice of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. He was the flawless Lamb of God!
Though Jesus came to provide grace, He didn’t come to abolish the 10 Commandments. Jesus came to fulfill them. Matthew 5:17 His commands are to love God and love one another. If we live by the Spirit, we will fulfill the heart of God in the 10 Commandments. Matthew 22:37
Saved By Grace To Live By The Spirit
Those who accept God’s grace through Jesus Christ also receive God’s Spirit into their bodies. Because we are born again in Christ, the Holy Spirit enables us to love like He loves, from the heart. Galatians 5:13 When we submit to the Holy Spirit, we reflect the character of our Father God. Romans 8:14-17 We are born again to forgive, love and live righteous lives. 1 John 2:29 God’s grace empowers us to glorify His righteousness by living in the Spirit. 1 Peter 4:11
But some ignore the Holy Spirit and use God’s grace as an excuse to sin. They are not living by the Spirit but by the flesh. Romans 8:12-13 Living according to the flesh brings death. Living according to the Spirit of God brings life.
Is Grace A License To Sin?
A Christian who willfully and defiantly continues to sin is either misguided, needs deliverance from demons or they aren’t really a Christian. The Holy Spirit inside us does not lead us into a lifestyle of lawlessness, but righteousness. 1 Peter 2:24
We all go through “seasons of stupidity” and find that we have been sinning unintentionally. The Lord disciplines us during those times to get our attention because He loves us. Hebrews 12:6 And when He does, it’s our responsibility to ask His forgiveness and follow His lead into righteousness. The Holy Spirit will empower us overcome any sin.
Well then, should we keep on sinning so that God can show us more and more of his wonderful grace? Of course not! Since we have died to sin, how can we continue to live in it? Or have you forgotten that when we were joined with Christ Jesus in baptism, we joined him in his death? For we died and were buried with Christ by baptism. And just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glorious power of the Father, now we also may live new lives. Romans 6:1-4 NLT
How A Law-Driven Mindset Can Develop
Most of us have been raised in an environment where productivity defines value. For instance, if a child makes good grades on their report card, they get compliments and rewards. Compliments and rewards are good! The Apostle Paul complimented those who were growing in the Lord. God gives us compliments Matthew 3:17 and He gives us rewards in the Kingdom. Matthew 6:6 These are Biblical principles of honor, respect and love.
But the devil can twist even our best intentions as parents. We can use life situations to teach our little ones about our unconditional love for them. Getting a poor report card grade, not measuring up in a sport, etc. can make a child feel less valued if they compare themselves to someone else or if their parents or teachers show disappointment or anger over their weakness. If a child feels ongoing shame for not being able to measure up or fear that they may fail, they may spend their life striving to be valued. This can produce a law-driven stronghold instead of a grace-filled one.
There may be no-one at fault when this happens because a child can get the wrong impression from those who love them dearly. Whatever the case, it is really hard to let go of a works-based mindset and receive God’s grace-filled lifestyle when you have strived to “measure up” your whole life. Make sure the children in your life know they are loved regardless of their accomplishments. Encourage them and help them enjoy every aspect of their lives.
The problem comes when a person thinks their value is based upon their performance. They don’t understand that even their weaknesses and mistakes are covered by God’s grace. Not understanding God’s love and grace through Jesus Christ can lead to more fear and shame. But love covers over a multitude of sins! 1 Peter 4:8
Setting An Example Of Grace
Parents can help by setting an atmosphere of grace in the home. They can model the grace of God by the way they treat their children, their spouse and others outside the family. For instance, they can look for opportunities to affirm and encourage their child with their words instead of sarcastically calling attention to faults. They must use their words and actions to let the child know that no matter how they perform in school or sports, they are loved and important for just being their child. Parents can invest time helping their children who are struggling with schoolwork instead of simply telling them, “Well, just do your best.” Helping them is proof that they are valuable and that you believe they can succeed!
Helping your kids with their weaknesses is just what the Holy Spirit does for us! Romans 8:26 If you consistently display the fruit of the Spirit Galatians 5:22-23 toward your children in practical ways, then when you do need to discipline, they will already know that you love and value them. If grace is modeled well in the home, I believe children would find it easier to understand and accept the grace of God and live by the Spirit as they grow in Christ. The Holy Spirit will teach you how to parent moment by moment if you will lean into the Father’s heart. John 14:26 He knows your child even better than you do!
The Lord Defines Our Value And Calls Us To Productivity
When someone knows their value in Christ and has a living relationship with the Holy Spirit, they can handle criticism with grace and their inner peace is not shaken. They know their value is not based on performance, but on the unconditional and endless love that God has for them. Their identity is in Christ, not in their achievements. Romans 8:38-39 Their striving is over and they are free to love and value others through the same love of God that they are experiencing every day in Christ.
It is in this love and belonging to God Romans 8:14-16 that we can become productive in the Kingdom, but not outside of His Spirit. His Kingdom is like a vineyard. Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. John 15:4-5 If we feed from the Spirit of God, we will produce fruit that looks like the Holy Spirit. The opposite is true as well. What are you eating and what is the source of that food?
Bearing Fruit Through The Holy Spirit
Jesus corrected Martha for putting her kitchen work above communion with Him. She considered serving a law and angrily tried to make Mary come help her prepare the food. Luke 10:38-42 On the other hand, Paul talked a lot about the work he was doing in the Lord. So, work is not bad if the work is Spirit-led and motivated by God’s love. Colossians 1:9 Spirit-led work will always begin and end at the feet of Jesus.
The Holy Spirit wants us to do the works that Jesus did. John 14:11-14 We will bear the fruit of God’s love when we develop our relationship with the Holy Spirit. John 15:5-8 It is our joy, privilege to work in the Kingdom by the direction and power of the Holy Spirit. Ephesians 2:10 And praise God that He is full of grace as we learn to follow His lead!
Living By The Law
A believer who does not live in the Spirit of grace but by the law will put rules above love and programs above people. Shame will be the means by which they keep their followers, children, students, spouse, employees, ministries etc, in line. They will feel it necessary to tightly control others because they don’t believe anyone else could possibly hear from God for themselves. These people are judge-mental and subtly or openly slander others, something our Judge has prohibited us from doing. James 4:11-12 They are quick to disqualify others.
A Spirit Of Fear
At the root of this dysfunction is fear of punishment that comes from “the law.” 1 John 4:16-18 The consequences of breaking the law are heightened and grace is subdued. These kinds of leaders are afraid that someone might mess up and bring shame upon themselves, their family, their ministry, etc. so they don’t let them practice flowing in the Spirit.
If they are not encouraging others to hear the Holy Spirit for themselves and walk in His gifts, they are standing in the way of God’s purpose and plan for their lives. Fear and shame will cause a person to hide their God-given gifts and live unproductive, unhappy lives. The spirit of the law is at work and that spirit produces death. Romans 7:5-6
The Spirit Of Grace
The Spirit of grace Zechariah 12:10 on the other hand gives life and freedom! The Holy Spirit is indeed protective and righteous, but He projects love and grace, not shame and disgrace. The Spirit of grace in us gives us faith that others can be led by the Spirit; filled with supernatural gifts that will edify the Body of Christ and bring about a harvest of souls. Grace also covers others when they make mistakes as they try to learn to follow the Spirit. The Spirit of grace does not incriminate His children, but uses failure as an opportunity to help them grow in Christ.
Throw The Law Away?
As we learn the ways of the Spirit we will be able to encourage others to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit as well. Then they will be able to fulfill the law like Jesus did – from the heart. Walking in the Spirit is a growing relationship experience. So until the fruit and the power begin to manifest we have to lean upon the law which is the Word of God. But I have good news! The Word of God is full of the Spirit and Life! John 6:63
We should also get advice and teaching from others. But we shouldn’t only live by teachings, rules and regulations. Our goal is to be united with the Living Word through the Spirit and fulfill God’s purpose for our lives.
God’s Law Is Still Good!
What about those who do not live by the Spirit? As we all know, very few people in our world live by God’s Spirit. For that reason, it is important for God’s laws to remain intact in our governments. Romans 13:1
If everyone walked by the Spirit, we would need no laws because we would all fulfill them. Love, respect and purity would reign supreme at all times. But since that isn’t happening, we must pray for Godly moral laws and the enforcement of them to keep our nation from deteriorating as in the days of Noah. We must sincerely pray the blessing and influence of the Holy Spirit on those leading our nation and those enforcing the law.
Not every Christian lives controlled by God’s Spirit either. That’s one reason churches and ministries have some rules and regulations. It’s why the Lord established pastors, teachers, deacons and levels of authority in the local churches. We are all growing in God’s grace and learning to follow the Spirit. God anoints spiritual leaders to correct, rebuke and encourage—with great patience and careful instruction. 2 Timothy 4:2-5
Does God Still Give Commands?
Jesus gave us so many commands that it might seem as if He was wanting us to live according to the law. But when Jesus gave us a rule to live by, He was telling us what it would look like to follow the Holy Spirit. He knew that after His death and resurrection the Father would send the Holy Spirit to empower us. We would be able to fulfill God’s commands through the power of His Presence! This power would be like living water from Heaven, John 4:13 flowing continually through those who worship Him in Spirit and in Truth. John 4:21-24
Live by the Spirit
The people in our nation and our world need Jesus! People won’t turn to Jesus because of Christians who are checking off a list of spiritual rules. They will come to Jesus when they see the love and power of the Holy Spirit at work in our lives. We can’t fake the power of the presence of God. The Holy Spirit will manifest the love of God through powerful signs, wonders and miracles, along with amazing acts of unconditional generosity and service. We must resist evil spirits of accusation, shame, punishment and blame. Instead, live by the Holy Spirit who is full of love and grace through Jesus Christ. He is our source of life. He is a very real and personal God who is ready and waiting to empower us for His glory!
If you want to experience the power of God’s grace and forgiveness in your life, please click here: Meet Jesus. God bless you!

The Fear of Man