The Soldier
Reading Time: 9 Minutes
In mid-April, 2024 I was waiting on the Lord to speak, and God gave me 2 simple visions back to back. The first was a still image of a harp which to me represents worship and devoted adoration of God. Seconds later I saw a US army soldier in 21st century camouflage walking up to a middle class house, a style commonly seen in the early 1900’s. He walked up the few steps onto the porch and knocked on the door. No one came to the door. He hesitated for a moment, turned around and began to slowly walk away from the house. His body language showed that he was discouraged.
The Soldier
As the visions ended I felt sad for the soldier. The young soldier was leaving for his first assignment, but there was no one there for him. Nobody came to the door to say goodby, to tell him they loved him and that they were praying for him. The harp and the soldier visions were related.
I believe the Lord is telling us that many of our young military troops feel discouraged and unsupported. Some have changed careers or retired early because of recent policies. Many feel that they have to “camouflage” their faith in Jesus to avoid persecution. They need divine wisdom to know how to respond when put to the test in these turbulent times. Our prayers and encouragement matter greatly!
King David’s Harp
King David is perhaps the most honored warrior and king in the Bible and in Israel’s history. When David was a boy, he was sent out to the hills to watch over his father’s sheep. That was his daily chore as the youngest son while the older brothers were entrusted with “greater” tasks. The dangers were real as lions, bears and other predators threatened from time to time. David had to kill them in order to save the sheep and even his own life.
In the solitude of fulfilling his duty, David discovered that he was not alone. He developed an intimate relationship with God. David brought his harp to the pastures and no doubt played it to calm the sheep. But his passion was to play and sing for the Lord, his great Shepherd, who protected him and guided him every step of the way.
With the approval of King Saul, young David’s confidence in God’s faithful love led him to kill the great giant, Goliath, whose armies threatened God’s people. David’s trust in God led God’s people into victory against their enemies. David advanced from shepherd boy to soldier in one day.
David – The Worshiper / Soldier
King Saul was pleased by young David’s amazing abilities as a soldier. But David was also able to help Saul spiritually as he played his harp. The presence of the Lord would enter the room and Saul would be delivered from an evil spirit. Because of His faithful love, God was prompting Saul to humble himself, repent of his sin and turn back to Him.
David came to Saul and entered his service. Saul liked him very much, and David became one of his armor-bearers. Then Saul sent word to Jesse, saying, âAllow David to remain in my service, for I am pleased with him.â Whenever the spirit from God came on Saul, David would take up his lyre and play. Then relief would come to Saul; he would feel better, and the evil spirit would leave him. 1 Samuel 16:21-23. NIV
The Value of Humility in a Warrior
David became a mighty warrior for Saul in his army. He humbly and loyally supported Saul as King. Nevertheless, Saul became jealous of David’s fame. Instead of turning to the Lord and repenting of his jealousy, Saul allowed his jealousy to grow. He wanted the relief of deliverance without submission to God.
When a person’s “house” (heart) is delivered of demons but they don’t invite God’s Spirit to reign inside, the demon that left will invite demons more evil than itself to take over that “house.” Saul again called for David to bring his harp to worship but this time the spirit of murder had taken over Saul’s heart.
But one day when Saul was sitting at home, with spear in hand, the tormenting spirit from the Lord suddenly came upon him again. As David played his harp, Saul hurled his spear at David. But David dodged out of the way, and leaving the spear stuck in the wall, he fled and escaped into the night. 1 Samuel 19:9-10. NLT
The Lord protected David time and time again because he chose to remain a humble worshiper. David could have killed Saul many times but he valued his relationship with God above all things. He honored the Lord and knew that he had to respect King Saul’s position of authority even though Saul was rebelling against God.
After David had been tested and tried many times, God elevated David as King of Israel. David served as Israel’s Worship Leader, mighty warrior and king until he died of old age. Israel was kept safe because David stayed humble before the Lord and worshiped God as King of kings!
The House
The house represents Christians who should be there to love, support with prayer and cheer on these young soldiers as they serve our country. In the early 1900’s there was much support for our troops but that love and encouragement has faded in recent years. It’s time for us to do battle in prayer for those who are wearing the uniform.
Spiritual warfare is powerful against the plans of the devil. We can dismantle the tactics of the enemy against our nation and Satan’s tactics against those who are now in service. God has given us authority over all the power of the devil.
And He said to them, âI saw Satan fall like lightning from heaven. Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you. Nevertheless do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven.â Luke 10:18-20. NKJV
If you said yes to Jesus and you follow Him with all of your heart, He has given you authority to command demons while you are on this earth. We must stay humble and remember that Jesus paid the price on the cross for our names to be written in heaven. And because He lives, we have His Spirit to empower us to live for His Kingdom sake. He wants us to be courageous in this world. We serve God from a different Kingdom by serving others on this earth. He is the One we worship!
Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9. NIV
To Households of Every Nation
For my international readers, pray also for the military in your country. Even in persecution, we can pray for God to show Himself to them in dreams, visions, signs and even in One to one encounters with Jesus Himself. Through our prayers, Jesus can be revealed to those who have not heard the Good News of Jesus. God responds to heartfelt prayer!
Open the Door!
I say to those in the house, “Listen for the knock on the door!” Pray for our men and women in service. Get your harp and worship God as prayer warriors. Intercede for the safety of our troops and ask God to remind them to put on His divine armor every day. Pray that they will learn to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit and that the presence of God will surround them in every situation. Ask the Lord to give them courage as they bravely serve Him as they serve our country.
Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devilâs schemes. For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. Ephesians 6:11-12 NIV
Pack Your Harp!
And I say to our brave soldiers, “Pack your harps!” Though your family may look down on you like David’s did, God never will. The Lord is with you wherever you go. Jesus is your King to obey, respect and worship. His love for you endures forever! When God is worshiped and adored from the heart His presence helps you keep a sound mind. Though you serve your country by the law, protecting its citizens, God will empower you to live for Jesus by the Holy Spirit.
Find Your New Family
There are other “Davids” in the military who are worshipers as well. The family of God will also be seated in the heavenly realms with God as you pray. This is the war room where God’s Spirit will enable you and your brothers and sisters in Christ to live in victory here on earth. You will learn to tear down spiritual strongholds and command blessings in Jesus name.
But when they bring you before the synagogues, the rulers, and the authorities, do not worry about how you should make your defense or what you should say, for the Holy Spirit will teach you at that moment what you must say. Luke 12:11-12. NET
The key to spiritual warfare is a heart devoted to worshiping God in every area of your life. Do not be discouraged! God is training you to help bring His Kingdom to earth! Like David, honor God and do not be intimidated by spirits of jealousy or give in to temptations of pride and power. Forgive and follow the Holy Spirit. These are traits of a mighty warrior in Christ. Keep seeking God’s heart! He will guide you and keep you safe as you carry out each mission for His glory. God has great plans for those who worship Him!
But God removed Saul and replaced him with David, a man about whom God said, âI have found David son of Jesse, a man after my own heart. He will do everything I want him to do.â Acts 13:22 NLT
You’re Not Alone
Take heart, soldier. You may feel alone at times, but you’re not. God is always with you and we have your back in prayer! You are brave heroes in our eyes. We respect and honor you for your courageous service to our country and the Lord! God bless you, mighty warriors, and God bless America!

Miracles Through Medicine