Reading Time: 9 Minutes
Daisies & Caterpillars
I had a simple dream from the Lord a couple of weeks ago. In the dream, I was with a group of people but all I saw was a daisy with a caterpillar on it. In the dream, one of my daughters said, “Mom likes daisies and caterpillars.” Then I woke up. I believe this dream from God is telling us that His love will sustain us as He takes us through the uncomfortable stages of spiritual growth. If we embrace the process, God will set us free and we will soar in the heavenly realms of His Spirit. We will be transformed from glory to glory and fulfill His destiny for our lives.
As I began to think about what I saw in the dream, the message was clear. I believe the message of this dream was not only for me but for others who may be battling discouragement as they prayerfully and persistently wait for breakthrough in their lives. The following is what I believe to be the interpretation of this dream, at least in part.
I do like daisies! My real name, Margaret, in English means pearl, but in Spanish which is my weak second language, “Margarita” means daisy.
When I was a child, little girls would take a daisy and pluck each petal saying, “He loves me, he loves me not, he loves me, he loves me not…” This continues until the last pedal was plucked. The last phrase said was supposed to reveal whether or not the boy they liked loved them or not. If it landed on “He loves me,” they would jump up in down with glee! But if it landed on “He loves me not” they were very disappointed. I never took it seriously but it seemed fun at the time!
Just a few years ago I saw someone pluck the pedals with God in mind saying, “He loves me, He loves me, He loves me!” After that, my love for daisies only increased! Daisies now represent to me the unconditional, never-ending, faithful, powerful, eternal love of God! Every petal says, “Yes! I love you! I loved you before you were born, I love you now, and I will love you for eternity! Nothing can separate you from my love.”
Caterpillars, on the other hand, have not been my focus of attention, except for a short season. That was in the 1980’s when Mark and I led a specific small group of older teens and college age students. We kicked off the group with a teaching about butterflies. It is so amazing to me that the Lord included the caterpillar in this dream. He directed my attention to the stages of the butterfly. Here is a very simple explanation of the four stages:
Simplified Stages Of A Butterfly’s Metamorphosis
- The butterfly lays an egg on a leaf of a certain kind of plant.
- A caterpillar emerges from the egg and eats continuously on the plant until it is as large as it is going to get.
- It hangs up-side-down from a branch and overnight becomes encased by a a covering known as a cocoon.
- After some time, it miraculously emerges as a beautiful butterfly.
A Simple Yet Very Important Message
I believe the Lord is sending a message to those who have been seeking Jesus Christ with all of our hearts but wondering where their breakthrough is. In this day and time, we are so accustomed to getting things instantly. But just as a child must go through the stages of physical and mental growth, we all must also go through stages of spiritual growth. Sometimes our breakthrough is instantaneous, but most of the time it is the result of growth, which takes time.
Growing Up In The Lord
We are born into the Kingdom when we hear the Word of God and like a seed, it falls into our hearts and we receive Jesus. Most of us are full of zeal and passion for the Lord. Like the caterpillar, we gorge ourselves on the Word and fellowship with our brothers and sisters in Christ. We never miss a church service, go to Bible studies, get involved in outreaches, etc. and we should! These are important for us to do for the rest of our lives. We are filled with light and understanding. There is so much growth that can happen during that first season of our lives in Christ. We’re full of the milk of God and we’re right where we need to be! God’s love is so evident inside of us and displayed in our actions.
Upside Down
But then we may find ourselves upside down because of God-given trials or even bad choices. We feel wrapped up like a cocoon. We may even feel like we are in the dark or that there is some kind of wall keeping us from advancing. Struggling to move spiritually as if we are hemmed in, we are determined to pursue God by faith. It’s clear that changes need to be made in our lives. We have come into a new season spiritually and it’s important to embrace God in the process.
This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: “In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength, but you would have none of it.” Isaiah 30:15 NIV
God is trying to take us to a level of maturity we’ve never experienced before. Repentance simply means we submit to the change that God has for us. No matter how difficult it may seem, do not abandon the process of spiritual growth you are in. There is a metamorphosis taking place. Though you may not be able to understand it all, this is a beautiful season. This transformation that is taking place may feel uncomfortable, but it is vital to your spiritual development. Do not abandon the cocoon too early. Wait on the Lord and let Him do His perfect work on you.
Growing Pains
These growing pains may not feel beautiful, in fact, you may feel bound and confined. But as you change and become more like Jesus on the inside, miraculous things are happening that only the Lord knows about. It will make more sense later on. For now, we must learn to quietly trust Him and rest in Him. He is strengthening us by His love in this season. Wear a virtual daisy over your heart and remember to say to your soul, “God loves me! God loves me! God loves me!”
Many modern day Christians become so accustomed to being fed by others that they don’t really want to grow up. It is possible for you to listen to the most Spirit-empowered Christian preaching, worship, etc., week after week and still never engage with the Lord Himself. If the teaching or music is not leading you to spend time with the Lord, you may stay in the caterpillar stage gorging yourself way too long. We were born again to fly with the Holy Spirit!
As lovers of Jesus Christ, we can find ourselves daydreaming about Jesus so much that we forget that in the Heavenly realm, we are seated at the Table with Him. He wants to tell us so many important things, but we’re so often busy daydreaming about Him instead of listening to Him. The Lord illustrated this to me personally in The Beautiful Dream.
A Season Of Intimacy
I believe the cocoon season is designed by God to draw us into intimacy with Him where He can do a work that no human being can. He is jealous of our attention and I love that about Jesus! He wants to spend time with us personally, strengthening us in every way for the glory that lies ahead.
This place of waiting is not stagnant. It is very active. It may require repentance as the Holy Spirit reveals the motives of your heart. You may not see or feel the power displayed yet, but you are maturing in Christ. Perseverance, faith and obedience are very critical at this stage in our lives.
Do not abort the process! Learn to listen to His voice and obey Him no matter what happens around you. This is your glow-in-the-dark season. Keep your lamps filled with the oil of His presence in the Secret Place. And remember that He is continually speaking over you, “I love you! I love you! I love you!’
Fly to the Heavens!
We were born of the Spirit to walk in step with the Spirit. We must allow Him to feed us, empower us, and lead us into our destiny. Otherwise, we will remain tethered to the earthly natural realm, losing strength instead of gaining God’s power. But we are seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus! We are hidden away in Him! This is where we receive love from God Himself– first hand!
This hiding place is the shelter of the Most High, the Shadow of the Almighty, the place where God’s children are supposed to dwell. We find perfect peace in Christ by following the Holy Spirit’s lead. Our Prince of Peace is always with us, giving us peace in our hearts and peace with our brothers and sisters in Christ. In Him we live and move and have our being.
A New Level Of Heights
You must believe with all of your heart that God loves you. If you continue in His love and follow His lead, you will break through the darkness that seems to be holding you back in the present. You will soar on wings like eagles, high above the trials that bound you. Your beauty will be astounding as you glorify the Name of Jesus. The Lord’s presence will be your great reward because you waited patiently upon Him to finish the work He began in you. This will be a season of fruitfulness and sharing the love of Jesus with others in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Those who sow in tears shall harvest with joyful shouting. One who goes here and there weeping, carrying his bag of seed, shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his sheaves with him. Psalm 126:5-6 NASB
God loves you and wants to have a personal relationship with you! If you would like to learn more about knowing Jesus Christ, God’s Son, please click here: Meet Jesus.

The Red Carpet Of Grace