
Reading Time: 4 Minutes

Vision ~ December 2, 2019

On the morning of December 2, 2019, I asked the Lord if there was anything He wanted to show me. With my eyes closed, I began to see the top of a dome. Someone was pulling baskets out of the top part of the ceiling of this dome and passing them downward. I couldn’t tell whether he was a person or an angel. Since I didn’t actually see him I believe it was an angel. I knew he was there but I can’t describe what he looked like– if that makes sense. It was like he was on an invisible ladder reaching up.

I could see the baskets he was pulling down. The baskets were like trays; flat with sides about 2 to 4 inches tall. Each basket looked different but all of them were very old, tattered and used. Most of them were frayed and some of them even had breaks/holes in the weave. I didn’t count the baskets, but I believe they represented the 12 baskets of Matthew 14:13-21.


I believe these are the spiritual baskets, symbolic of great faith in God that bring multiplication for the Glory of God. They are the blessings He has promised in His Word. The baskets have been used throughout the ages. But lately they have been stored in Heaven because of lack of faith in God. Heaven is now bringing them down to be used again, encouraging us to believe and declare for multiplication once again. God is the multiplier. The story of the boy’s bread and fish will come alive today in many different forms. We must take what we have been given, give thanks to the Father, and begin to follow His directions. He will do the rest as we believe and obey.

I believe we are in a spiritual season of multiplication if we will take the “baskets” He has given us. He wants to multiply our faith in action through the power of the Holy Spirit– for His Glory. While we have this window of opportunity, let’s seek the Lord like never before. We can bless the hungry– both spiritually and physically!

Get Ready To Break The Bread Of Life

Get ready for a great harvest of souls and break the Bread of Life to the multitudes by sharing the Gospel of Jesus. As we humbly prepare our hearts in prayer, let’s learn to walk in the fullness of Christ more and more every day.

Let’s Go Fishing!

Jesus called out to them, “Come, follow me, and I will show you how to fish for people!” Matthew 4:19 NLT

Let’s fish for souls as Jesus directs us, and watch the Lord multiply His Kingdom!

He said, “Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some.” When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. John 21:6 NIV

I have already seen evidence of multiplication since the date of this vision. Get ready because we will begin to hear more and more testimonies of the riches of His grace. I encourage you to pray for Biblical multiplication for yourself, your family and for the Kingdom of God! Perseverance in prayer proves your faith is in God and can even increase your faith over time.

Prayer For Multiplication

Dear Heavenly Father, we pray for the multiplication of love, unity, wisdom, humility, faith and the gifts of the Spirit in the Body of Christ. We ask for the multiplication of signs, wonders, miracles and healing to glorify the good news of our Savoir and bring a great harvest of souls. We decree a multiplication of finances and generosity with a breaking off of the spirit of poverty so that your children will have the means to bless the poor and take Your light into a spiritually and physically deprived world. I pray all these things for Your Glory– in Jesus Name. Amen!

God loves you so much and He invites you to know Him personally. For a better understanding of who Jesus is please go to this link: Meet Jesus God bless you!