Meet Jesus
You can meet Jesus Christ, God’s Son– today!
For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. John 3:16-17 NIV
Good News!
Jesus Christ is God’s Son. He left Heaven and came to earth 2,000 or so years ago, born as a Jewish baby boy. Jesus grew up like us and at age 30, He began to teach people about the Kingdom of God. He destroyed the works of the devil and showed God’s love by healing people of all kinds of diseases and by driving demons out of people. The common people of Israel were amazed by the supernatural works and teachings of Jesus. But many of the things Jesus said exposed the spiritual hypocrisy of the religious leaders.
After 3 years of ministry, most of the Jewish priests and leaders were extremely jealous and enraged with Jesus. This was because because he emphasized love over man-made religious laws. Void of the love of God and controlled by the demonic powers of the devil, they refused to believe that Jesus was God’s Son– the Messiah. Jesus was falsely accused by them, beaten and then executed by crucifixion on a wooden cross.
He Gave His Life Willingly
Jesus didn’t resist this crucifixion because His purpose for coming to the earth was to give His pure and holy life as a blood sacrifice for our sin (wrongdoings.) Anyone who repents of their sin (turns away from doing wrong) to follow Jesus can be forgiven by God. If they believe this good news, that Jesus paid the price for their sin so that they can become “one with God,” they will become a child of God. They are “born again” spiritually through the Holy Spirit and are brought into an intimate relationship with the God who loves them.
A born again believer is saved from the devil’s kingdom of darkness to become a part of God’s Kingdom which is the Kingdom of light. When we put our faith in Jesus, He cleanses us from all our sin and brings us into relationship with God, our Father, who loves us so much. Just like a baby grows up, we have to grow up in Christ. We become more like our Father as we stay close to Him. God’s Kingdom is not of this world but of Heaven. However, it functions on earth through God’s Spirit who lives in God’s children.
Jesus Is Alive!
Jesus came alive three days after they placed Him in a tomb! He spoke to many people personally for a period of 40 days and taught them about the Kingdom of God. After giving them instructions to wait for the Holy Spirit, He ascended up into the sky and disappeared. He is now with God the Father in Heaven but God’s Holy Spirit is within those who have given their lives to Jesus. The proof that God’s children will go to Heaven when they die is that Jesus was resurrected (made alive again) and went to Heaven.
Salvation Is Free
No one can earn this salvation. It is a gift from God. There is no other way for a person to be made right with God. Life truly begins when someone believes in Jesus. When a believer’s body dies, their spirit will immediately go to live in Heaven with God forever where there is no evil. And by the way, they get a new Heavenly body! Those who have rejected a relationship with Jesus Christ and His ways will go to a terrible place called hell. But there is no reason why anyone should have to go there. Salvation is free and becoming one with Jesus brings righteousness, peace and joy.
Crucified With Christ
The moment we believe that Jesus took our sin on Himself when He died and we choose to live in Him, we can understand that our old self that was spiritually dead was placed on Him. Our old self is dead on the cross with Jesus!
Alive In Christ
But that’s not all! Jesus was resurrected three days later so now we are made alive with Him! The Holy Spirit comes to live inside us to empower us to live like Christ in this life. We become part of God’s Kingdom at work on this earth, shining His truth and bringing others to God!
Growing Up In Christ
As we grow, we might make mistakes and sin but we shouldn’t see ourselves as the same as we were before. We are no longer sinful in God’s eyes. Our sins have been washed away and we are clean. Our old self is dead and we are a new creation. God has set us apart to live in His light, life and love, not in the darkness, death and hatred that we existed in before we met Jesus. But if we do fall into temptation and sin, if we confess our sins, God is faithful to forgive us. Sometimes Christians need deliverance from demonic strongholds, and that is available by the power of the Holy Spirit.
God will help us become more established and secure as we grow, just like a tree planted by a stream. We should not give in to condemnation, shame or fear as we grow up in Christ. We must pay attention to the Holy Spirit and stay in the love, life and light of Jesus Christ. The devil would like to discourage you, accuse you and cause you to try to earn God’s love and favor, but don’t give in to those lies. Nobody earns God’s love and favor. God’s love, mercy and favor is free through Jesus, God’s Son– period.
You Can Know Jesus Now
If you want to turn away from your sins and believe in Jesus, you can meet Jesus right now by praying to God in your own words. There is no “magic prayer.” Just talk with God and give Him your life!
If you prayed from your heart, God heard you, forgave you and has accepted you as His child into His Kingdom! Welcome to the family of God! I have a page that briefly tells what it is like to follow the Spirit of God. You can go to that page here: Living in the Spirit.
Maybe you are still trying to decide whether or not to believe in Jesus. May I suggest you read or listen to the New Testament portion of the Bible beginning with the book of John. God bless you on your quest to find God!
If you have not read my post, The Beautiful Dream, I invite you read it now. It is the “sticky” post that remains near the top of my website. I hope it will help you understand a little better how much God loves us all!