close up photo of dinnerware set on top of table with glass cups

The Beautiful Dream

This post remains at the top of the blog and has been edited to include excerpts from my book, “The Beautiful Dream.” And now… here’s the astounding dream God gave me!

Scene One

I was standing alone in a dark place, looking straight ahead.  There were no stars and no moon.  All I could see were a few wavy strings of white floating vapor against a dark backdrop in the distance.  They formed what looked like a ridge of mountains.  But really, it was only a voidnothing beautiful to look at.  My soul felt numb.

Someone was approaching me from behind on my right side.  I didn’t see him, but I sensed his presence coming toward me.  Strangely, I wasn’t afraid.  As he came closer, I turned my head to the right and looked into his face and then his eyes.  I felt lovingly drawn to him, even though I didn’t know who he was. 

His face was handsome to me—of olive skin tone and clean-shaven.  Though he had chiseled masculine features, his countenance was softly inviting.  He had dark, medium length hair that was straight and layered, and his dark black eyes looked back into mine.

With the kindness of a true gentleman he asked me to dance with him—even though he spoke no words from his mouth.  I quickly agreed, and then suddenly felt uncomfortable with the thought that he might discover my flaws.  As he approached me I thought to myself, “I don’t know how to dance!”  All I knew about dancing was that I should follow his lead. 

Standing behind me, he placed his arms loosely around me with his hands on the front part of my waist.  I placed my hands over his.  He kept his head near my right ear.

As soon as he touched me I felt intense love like I’ve never felt in my whole life!  His love permeated my being and all my cares were gone—all of them!  I was instantly in love!  He danced the most simple but beautiful dance with me—deeply romantic but purely innocent.  We took slow steps swaying to the left and to the right.  He even dipped me gently to the left and to the right.  All too soon, the dance was over. 

Then he stood beside me.  Still saying no words, he asked to see me again and I eagerly agreed.  I asked him when I would see Him again.  He said he would return to me, but when he answered, the day and time was unclear.

Scene Two

I saw my husband, Mark, and myself sitting together on sand-toned concrete bleachers, the big squared chunky kind.  It was daytime and there were no other people there.  The scene was zoomed in on the area where we were seated so that I couldn’t see how high or wide the bleachers were. 

I was telling Mark all about the amazing man I had danced with and how much I loved him.  The immense love and joy I felt when I danced with the man was still just as strong!  Mark was so happy for me as I told him with great enthusiasm how the man’s love had completely transformed me.  He wanted to hear all about it!

Scene Three

The man who danced with me was leading me into a room of his house.  He was to my right as we walked, and I was still full of ecstasy!  The opening into this room was wide, slightly arched, with curved edges and no doors. There was a table in the room, so I assumed it was a dining room, however, there was nothing on the table to define its purpose.  There was no decor in the house.  It was clean, white, and bright with possibly a faint sky-blue hue.

As we walked toward the room, I wanted to ask him when we could be alone again.  I loved him so much!  But I sensed this wasn’t the right time, so with joyful anticipation, I kept silent.  It seemed that he was escorting me into a very important meeting with his family, but I was not anxious about it at all. Love and acceptance were in the atmosphere, and I knew I was right where I was supposed to be.  I felt so special!

As we entered the room, we approached an oblong table.  It had rounded corners and seated eight.  He led me around the left end of the table to the first chair on the other side.  I stood behind my chair like everyone else.  My chair was across the table from him, next to one end of the table. The mother stood at the other end of the table.  I turned my head to the left to look at her because she seemed to be in charge at that moment.  She was rather large and she wore a solid pink dress like the one my mother wore to her grandchildren’s weddings. 

Absent-mindedly, I gazed upward and to my left at the blank white ceiling.  I was still daydreaming about the man I loved—even though he was right there across the table from me.  I was still wondering when I could be alone with him again!  He was so amazing!

All of a sudden I glanced back down and realized that everyone was seated except me!  I felt so embarrassed and ashamed.  I didn’t know what to do.  Right then, the mother stood back up and everyone at the table followed her lead.  They stood as well.  Then I heard the mother say kindly to everyone, “Be seated.”  At that moment, I woke up from the dream.


On February 21, 2013, I awoke from this dream feeling like a teenager in love.  But then I suddenly became alarmed!  The man I had dreamed about was not my husband!  I danced with the man in the dream, and I was so in love with him!  I began to ask God to forgive me for having the dream.  But right away I remembered scene two, where my husband, Mark, was thrilled about my love-relationship with the man.

At that moment, I knew this dream was from God and I had danced with Jesus, God’s Son!  I can’t express the overwhelming awe I felt!  Jesus came in such an intimate way to reveal His love for me. That morning, I was flooded with tears of joy and anticipation.  The dream contained secrets for me to discover.  So, I asked the Lord for an interpretation and the dream has been unfolding to me ever since.

Around two weeks later, I was sitting at our kitchen table having some alone time with God and I asked the Father a question.  “Father, why was I seated to your left?”  I heard Him quickly respond, “Because I want you close to my heart.”  I welled up with tears and was awestruck by His answer!  His love was so strong that I had to stop everything and just let Him love me. 

To this day I picture my Heavenly Father seated to my right assuring me of His love and faithfulness, the Holy Spirit at the other end of the Table assuring me that I am dearly loved and accepted, and Jesus across from me where I can look into His wonderful face!  All my Brothers and Sisters in Christ from all over the world are there too!  Our God is so amazing!  I don’t know how He does it, but I believe each of His children have been offered the same seating arrangement.  Father God loves us so much that He wants us seated very close—next to His heart!

A Short Interpretation

Scene One

Jesus comes to you and offers to rescue you from the kingdom of darkness as only He can do.  All Jesus asks is a sincere yes to His invitation to becoming one with Him and follow His lead.  The moment He touches you, Jesus supernaturally cleanses you from all evil, fear and shame.  God’s Holy Spirit comes inside you, fills you with indescribable love and eternal life. You are born again and become God’s child.  

God freely gives you forgiveness of sin, healing, protection, provision, deliverance, righteousness and His loving character for eternity through His Spirit.   You love Jesus so much that you want to be close to Him, follow Him and obey Him.

Scene Two

You are seated with someone on earth telling them about Jesus.  His life inside you is like a seed in your heart.  Telling someone about your encounter with Jesus is the first fruit of your spiritual tree! 

God’s love in you is overflowing and blessing others!  Jesus has changed the way you view God, yourself and everyone.  You realize that those who know Jesus are also in love with Him.  They have also been set free!  Their hearts and faces are free of fear and shame and they love the Lord like you do.  Jesus is the foundation and source of your life but you still need to grow.  You need to go higher up the steps of faith and love in Christ Jesus.

Scene Three

Jesus takes us to the heavenly realms to be seated next to our Father.  Our eternity has begun in the Spirit as we live on earth!  We were born again to have an actual intimate loving relationship with God. Many believers pay a lot of attention to living in the earthly realm but very little attention to living in the Spirit. 

When a believer only lives from the earthly realm, their spiritual tree will begin to wither.  They have not understood who they are in Christ.  Following the Spirit happens while we are seated with God in the heavenly realms where the atmosphere is extravagant love.

Christians who don’t realize that Jesus has taken them to the heavenly realms are easily affected by earthly circumstances.  They can be pulled downward by trusting in the lies of the enemy.  What other people think is more important to them than what God thinks.  They have exchanged the truth that sets them free for lies that bind them up.  Fear and shame creep back in—the very things Jesus freed us from!  They have not been paying attention to God by being seated with Him. 

We stay connected to God by being seated with God in the Spirit.  His perfect love drives out everything that doesn’t belong in Heaven.  I’m not saying that the earth is Heaven.  I’m saying that through the Spirit, Heaven has come to us even in a dark and chaotic world! 

God placed a desire to succeed inside every human, but separation from God distorted that gift.  When Jesus places us back into God’s presence, He restores our purpose.  We have been asked to be seated above the chaos where God can speak to us, heal us and empower us to fulfill our destiny in His strength, not in our own.  But we have to want to be close to Jesus so much that we will do whatever He says, no matter the cost!  We have to die and let Jesus Christ Himself live in and through us. Jesus leads and we follow for the rest of our lives. We can live in the atmosphere of God’s love and grace if we’ll be seated in the heavenly realms giving God complete control of our lives.

Why Did God Give Me This Dream?

In The Beginning

I fell in love with Jesus when I was eleven years old and knew that He loved me.  It was my habit to pray, read His Word, worship, serve and stay away from sin.  I wrote songs to Jesus, sang them in public and told my classmates about Jesus because I loved Jesus so much. My relationship with Jesus was good and I and served Him the best way I knew how.  But for most of my life I felt very insecure.  My striving to do things to prove my worth revealed that I didn’t have a true revelation of my identity, value and inheritance as God’s child.

The Trial

Not long before God gave me this dream, I was struck by a very painful physical attack all over my body.  Now I realize that it was a spiritual attack from the devil on my soul that eventually affected my body.  I loved the Lord and didn’t want to misrepresent Him so I pushed on despite the pain.  I knew Jesus would heal me but didn’t know how He was going to do it.  The physical pain I experienced took me by surprise and I was finding it hard to receive the healing I needed from God.  I began to focus on the love of God.  

The Prayer

Pressing into His goodness I prayed, “Jesus, I just want to be close to You!  I’ll do whatever You say, even if it is embarrassing.”  This amazing dream was His response to my desperate prayer!  It was an invitation to seek Him with my whole heart and to know His supernatural healing love at a higher level!

But several years after the dream, I realized that I didn’t know how to be seated with God as well as I had believed.  Without asking the Lord I tried a special diet and various natural therapies to try and ease the physical pain.  If the Lord orders the diet or the therapy it will help you physically, emotionally, spiritually, mentally and in every way.  But I never sincerely asked Holy Spirit waiting for His response, so I was not following the Spirit.  The more I put my hope and trust in these other things the more anxious I became.  

Finally On Track

Finally, I realized that The Beautiful Dream was God wooing me to Himself alone.  I also learned through the dips of my mistakes that He would catch me because I really did love Him.  But I needed to learn to follow His lead!

With all other options off the table, I have been pursuing the Lord with all my heart, soul, mind and strength.  The Beautiful Dream gave me a foundation of truth for victory.  Though it is taking me a while to battle through the lies of the enemy, repent of them and renew my mind in God’s Word, every victory has brought me closer into God’s love, wholeness and hope for fulfilling His plan for my life.  My mountain is being moved like a series of landslides crumbling into the sea.  But by faith, it is moving! 

Following His Lead

Saying yes to Jesus is a daily choice, an honor and an adventure.  Following His lead has been like taking the clumsiest woman in the world and teaching her to dance.  But Jesus doesn’t give up because this clumsy dancer is His Bride and she will forever be in His arms of love!  I felt Jesus’ love in the dream and it literally felt like Heaven! I know what Heaven feels like! It feels like indescribable love!  In the dream, I never felt like crying—even for joy.  That’s because Jesus wiped away every tear.  There is nothing on earth that compares to Him!  Jesus is the King who rescued His Bride by His love and He alone is worth living and dying for!

Why Share The Dream?

The dream itself was so vivid and filled with God’s life-giving power that I knew this was a gift that needed to be shared with God’s children.  As I began to search God’s Word through the clues in this dream, the Lord showed me things I had not really seen before.  I do not claim to come close to understanding all Truth.  The closer I get to Jesus, the more I realize that His love is wider, longer, higher and deeper than I can imagine!  The Beautiful Dream was not supposed to be kept a secret.  So I give it away as God’s loving prophetic message to you.

God’s Extravagant Love

God’s Romantic Love!

God’s romantic love was so overpowering in every scene of the dream!  God’s saving grace feels like extravagant love!  His love is now my driving force to know Jesus more intimately.  I don’t just want the feeling.  I want Jesus and what He desires!  What He desires for us is always very good!

Come close to God, and God will come close to you.  James 4:8a NLT

Agape Love

According to some scholars, the writers of the New Testament of the Bible came up with a new word in the Greek language for God’s love.  That is because they had experienced God’s supernatural love so fully and there was absolutely no word to describe it.  The word written in English is Agape, pronounced: ah-GAH-peh

The writers of the New Testament sometimes used this special word.  Other times they wrote “the love of Godor implied it in the passage of scripture.  I think it is safe to say that when the Word of God refers to love that comes from God, whether in the Old or New Testament, it is the same supernatural Agape love that drenched me in The Beautiful Dream!  It feels like Heaven!

A Love That Surpasses Knowledge

And I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power, together with all the Lord’s holy people, to grasp how wide and long and high and deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses knowledge—that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness of God.  Ephesians 3b:17-19  NIV

Paul, who wrote the book of Ephesians in the Bible, had experienced this full measure of God’s love that I experienced in the dream!  This Agape Love drives out all evil bringing complete wholeness—spirit, soul and body.  We can all experience God’s Agape Love, seated with Him at His Table!

God is love. 1 John 4:8b  GNT

The Heavenly Realms

I pray that you will step into a new realm with God—the realm of His supernatural, powerful and transformational Love.  May you be overwhelmed by the goodness of our God, the extravagant Love He has for you and the fellowship we have with Him and one another, seated together at His Table in the heavenly realms!

You have been given a place of honor at God’s Table—next to the Father’s heart, across from Jesus, and lead by the beautiful and powerful Holy Spirit.  More than ever before, Holy Spirit is now saying to the Bride of Christ, “Be Seated.”

For a better understanding of who Jesus is and how you can answer His invitation of love and grace, please go to Meet Jesus on the homepage menu.

For information about getting a copy of “The Beautiful Dream” go to The Book on the Home page. God bless you!