No Longer Accused!
Reading Time: 7 minutes
If you are trying to follow Jesus but are still easily hurt by the condemning words of others or the inward accusations of your own thought life, I believe this post will help you. When we realize who we are in Christ and are aware of the true desires of our own hearts we can confidently resist the spirit of accusation!
Who will bring any charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies. Who then is the one who condemns? No one. Christ Jesus who died—more than that, who was raised to life—is at the right hand of God and is also interceding for us. Romans 8:33-34 NIV
Hallelujah! Jesus Christ has removed all accusation against those who believe and follow Him. He sits at the highest place of honor next to the Father, pleading our case for us and praying for us to succeed!
Silence the Accuser
If any nation comes to fight you, it is not because I sent them… Whoever attacks you will go down in defeat. But in that coming day no weapon turned against you will succeed. You will silence every voice raised up to accuse you. These benefits are enjoyed by the servants of the Lord; their vindication will come from me. I, the Lord, have spoken! Isaiah 54:15 & 17 NLT
This scripture comes right after Isaiah 53 that foretold the coming of Jesus and His crucifixion. God was speaking to the Jewish people, Israel, so that in the future they as a nation and as individuals would put their trust in their Messiah, Jesus.
We who are not of Jewish decent but trust in Jesus are now grafted into God’s Kingdom. So this scripture applies to everyone who follows Jesus, whether Jewish or not. Scripture tells us that there is a place for earthly governmental action against injustice. But as the Body of Christ our fight is not against flesh and blood but against the demonic realm. It is the devil’s kingdom of darkness that constantly accuses God’s children. God says we will silence every voice that points a finger of accusation against us! We can have peace in our hearts no matter the chaos around us.
Conviction or Accusation?
Then I heard a loud voice saying in heaven, “Now salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of our God, and the power of His Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren, who accused them before our God day and night, has been cast down. Revelation 12:10 NKJV
Accusation comes from the devil. Conviction comes from the Holy Spirit whenever we sin and need to change. Sometimes we confuse the two.
If we sin, we should feel conviction from the Holy Spirit. He alerts us and guides us toward repentance and a right relationship with God. We cannot follow the Spirit if we refuse to give up known sin in our lives. If we keep ignoring God’s conviction, our hearts can become callous so that we don’t even feel God’s conviction anymore. That’s not good.
So if you are in a season of repentance don’t look at it as a bad thing. Your heart is tender toward the Holy Spirit’s guidance. God is very proud of you for allowing His Spirit to correct you and empower you to live in His victory!
Trust God’s Grace– Not Your Own Works
As you walk with the Holy Spirit away from your past life of sin, God wants you to keep your eyes on Jesus. Don’t become discouraged and start trusting in your own works to keep you right with God. It is impossible for you to save yourself. If you do that, you will feel accused all the time– for no reason!
Your foundation is in the mercy and grace of Jesus. If you keep following Jesus, your past, present and future is secure in Christ. God is not accusing you! He is helping you! Trust in God’s grace.
The Kingdom of this World
The kingdom of this world accuses others through social rules, regulations and shame. For instance, some people of this world say that if a person’s parents were of certain origins, they should be ashamed and in some cases annihilated— even if they have done nothing bad to anyone. They are falsely accused. People driven by the kingdom of this world will persecute you for your beliefs even when you have gone out of your way to be kind to them.
Even at a young age kids are accused of not being “cool” because of their clothes, hair style or the way they look. These accusations can crush a child’s soul if they don’t know who they are in Christ. Zooming out to a larger view, the kingdom of this world will impose harsh regulations meant to create fear so that they can suppress and control their subjects. During the 2020 pandemic blame, shame and accusation was thick in the atmosphere.
While the Gospel is the Good News of God’s grace, there is no end to the accusations of the enemy. The prince of this world is out to demean and intimidate anyone who desires to live according to God’s morals– especially those who follow Jesus. Do not allow your heart to become bruised by the devil’s accusations, no matter where it comes from. You live from a different kingdom now– the Kingdom of God! Remain confident in God’s love and walk in grace toward others! Bring Heaven to earth!
The Desires of Our Heart
But each one is tempted when he is dragged away, enticed and baited [to commit sin] by his own [worldly] desire (lust, passion). Then when the illicit desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and when sin has run its course, it gives birth to death. James 1:14-15 AMP
When you feel accused, ask the Lord this question, “What is the true desire of my heart? Do I desire to sin or do I desire to follow You in Your love and righteousness?” If your desire is to sin– well, you need to repent and ask the Lord to change your desire. But if you are following the Lord, you will find that your desire is to live free of sin– to love God and others with the love God has placed in your heart.
Your heart’s desire determines the direction of your life. A desire to sin ultimately leads to guilt, accusation and death. But because the Holy Spirit is producing life in you, your heart’s desire is to follow close to Jesus. How can the devil accuse you when your desire is Jesus? He cannot! So toss the lie and rejoice! You are no longer accused!
Overwhelmed by Love
Allow God to overwhelm you with His love and the feeling of accusation will have to go. In The Beautiful Dream God gave me, Jesus escorted me to a chair at God’s Table in the heavenly realms. My chair stood directly across from Jesus. This seating arrangement allows us to gaze into the eyes of Jesus who is full of love for us! He rescued us from death and brought us into life!
Be Seated in the Heavenly Realms
Also in the dream, I was daydreaming about my love for Jesus and enjoying the bliss of salvation when I realized everyone else was sitting down at the Table. Suddenly I felt shame, disgrace, fear and accusation inside me. But something wonderful happened! Holy Spirit stood up for me and everyone else followed suit. Then Holy Spirit said, “Be seated.” He gave me another chance to pay attention and obey the Lord’s desire.
When we are seated with God in the heavenly realms we don’t make fun of, judge or demean our Brothers and Sisters because we’re not accusers of the brethren. We encourage one another to keep our eyes on Jesus to and follow the Spirit! There is no accusation for those seated in the heavenly realms! Jesus took our guilt and shame on the cross and is pleased to announce that we are no longer accused!
Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Hebrews 12:1-2 NIV
Be seated and fix your eyes on Jesus! Nothing could make Him happier!
