Perfect Love Drives Out Fear
Reading Time: 8 Minutes
End The Nightmares!
Stepping Out By Faith
Mark ministered as youth pastor for five years when he felt the Lord urging him to earn his Master’s Degree. We prayed about it together and agreed to step out on faith. Our wonderful church in Alabama released us with blessings. They sent our little family off on our adventure with a generous offering, love, and prayers. We sold our house, loaded up a U-Haul and headed for Missouri with our beautiful 1 year old baby girl. This move was the beginning of a journey of spiritual trials for me. But those trials have helped me understand my authority and power through God’s Word against the demonic kingdom. I learned that God’s perfect love drives out fear!
Living By Faith
The generous offering was running out fast, even though we were being as frugal as we possibly could. Mark began graduate school as he and I both applied for jobs without success. Finally, the Lord opened up an opportunity for Mark to pastor a dying church in a low-income neighborhood. The leadership considered closing the church doors for good, but decided to give it one more chance. So, we moved from our government housing apartment into the parsonage located beside the church.
Our Faith Challenged
There were around 40 people there on the first Sunday when Mark was voted in as pastor. That day one particular man interrupted Mark multiple times during the Sunday School lesson with opposing questions and comments. The next Sunday only 12 faithful saints showed up. During the year that we ministered there, lives were touched by God. The church grew in attendance and began to thrive again.
There were victories as well as trials. It was a difficult neighborhood. When we heard gun shots nearby we would turn on the TV to find out what happened. One night, feeling spiritually drained, we ventured out to a Christian concert. But when we came home our house had been robbed. The name of the church was Faith Assembly and we were certainly learning to live by faith! But there were times when my faith was challenged in ways I had never experienced before.
The Apparition
One night, I woke up to see a demonic figure at the end of our bed. It was an ugly being that looked like florescent blue and green smoke. I was so filled with fear that I grabbed Mark’s wrist until I thought I might pinch it off. He awoke but he didn’t see what I was seeing. Within a few seconds it disappeared. I was so shaken! A couple of years earlier, the Lord had delivered me from fear, so this really took me by surprise.
The Shield Of Faith And The Sword Of The Spirit
Faith Assembly is still a light in that little community! That church family stood with us as we learned many lessons about love, life and church growth. After Mark finished grad school, God called us back to our home church in Alabama. We found a nice little house in a nice little neighborhood and felt safe and secure in so many ways.
But after our move back, I had nightmares from time to time. Several times I dreamed that I was alone and a man had broken into our house. Though I had very little training in spiritual warfare, I knew that God’s Word was powerful over the devil. So, I began to look for scriptures to use and meditated on them several times every day in prayer. One of the verses I held on to was 1 John 4:18.
There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love. 1 John 4:18 NIV
Persevering In Faith
After a few weeks of purposely putting my faith in God’s Word, I had an unusual dream. I dreamed that I was asleep alone in bed and a criminal came to the doorway of the bedroom. As he stood there with a knife, I began to tell him that he needed Jesus. I told him that Jesus could forgive him of all of his sins.
Mark woke me up and said, “Are you ok?”
I said, “Yes, I’m fine, but why did you wake me up?”
He answered, “You were saying, ‘Jeeesus, Jeeesus, Jeeesus.’”
I responded, “I was about to lead a criminal to the Lord!”
Rest In God’s Love
The Word of God had driven the nightmares out and changed the direction of my heart! There was no fear in that dream. I felt compassion for a lost soul, true courage in the face of evil, and the joy of my salvation. When we are perfected in love, God imparts His love so deeply that we know He holds nothing against us. Jesus took our punishment so we can freely enjoy the Father’s love and invite others to do the same!
For [if we are] in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything, but only faith activated and expressed and working through love. Galatians 5:6 AMP
Obedience To Christ
…for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying arguments and all arrogance raised against the knowledge of God, and we are taking every thought captive to the obedience of Christ, and we are ready to punish all disobedience, whenever your obedience is complete. 2 Corinthians 10:4-6 NASB
Being obedient to Christ means following the Holy Spirit and believing what He has said in His Word. When we become afraid, there is something we are lacking in our faith. Maybe we fear that the Father will not protect us. However, He has told us in His Word that He will. Perhaps we fear being alone. However, the Lord clearly promised us His Spirit and told us He would never leave us.
There is no fear that cannot be demolished with the divine power of God’s Spirit through His Word. We must demand our minds to submit to the Truth. As we do, we can take authority over the enemy in the name of Jesus. This requires seeking, rebuilding and resting in His promises. Though at times God drives out the stronghold in an instant, this process of renewing our minds usually takes time. The process of freedom through perseverance strengthens our relationship with God. It elevates us above the trial. The Word of God becomes deeply established in our hearts, giving us power in that area of our lives.
A Dream Of Warning
There were no nightmares after that for at least 30 years. Then I had one last nightmare. In this dream, I was paralyzed with fear but managed to call out the name of Jesus. The evil spirit in the dream left me. I woke up with a very vivid revelation of the power of the name of Jesus!
Over time, the Holy Spirit revealed some changes I needed to make in my life. I had not been in the habit of asking God about everything. But now I am learning to ask the Holy Spirit about all things. My decision making ability is not perfect yet but I have peace of mind and no nightmares!
Seated In Heavenly Places
We must not fear because the Holy Spirit in us is greater than the devil! When we are rooted and grounded in God’s love, we understand what seated in Heavenly places with Christ Jesus means. We are far above the enemy’s realm of attack! It means we walk in step with God’s Spirit, not with the world. The more we understand this, the less the enemy will be able to penetrate and bring fear. But if he does attack us, we have the Sword of the Spirit to lead us into victory. That Sword is the Word of God!
The Bride Of Christ Is Equipped For Victory
Many Christians do not understand the warfare that is happening around them in the spiritual realm. God gave us His Word to equip us for victory! He wants us to live in a state of rest in Christ where fear and anxiety have to bow at the mighty name of Jesus! The Lord promises His Bride sweet dreams!
When you lie down, you will not be afraid; When you lie down, your sleep will be sweet. Proverbs 3:24 NASB
Resting in Christ is possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. Only the Holy Spirit can drive out demon spirits and demonic strongholds! God’s perfect love drives out fear and helps us rebuild the walls that have been broken down in our lives. We are being built up together into a holy temple in the Lord through His Spirit. As the Bride of Christ, we can be victorious over any and all kinds of fear through Jesus Christ our Lord!
Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the guards stand watch in vain. In vain you rise early and stay up late, toiling for food to eat— for he grants sleep to those he loves. Psalm 127:1-2 NIV
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"Breakout" With The Holy Spirit