• Missionary doctor, Bill Skinner

    Miracles Through Medicine

    Reading Time: 3 Minutes The following post includes excerpts from the book, “Adventures in Paraguay– Our Story” by Frances Skinner, my mother. This account tells of two miracles through medicine that opened doors to share the love of Jesus in…

  • selective focus photo of a person s hand flipping the pages of a book

    Quick to Believe

    Reading Time: 4 Minutes Slow to Believe He said to them, “How foolish you are, and how slow to believe all that the prophets have spoken!  Luke 24:25 NIV This scripture takes place after Jesus came alive from the dead. Luke…


    Perfect Love Drives Out Fear

    Reading Time: 8 Minutes End The Nightmares! Stepping Out By Faith Mark ministered as youth pastor for five years when he felt the Lord urging him to earn his Master’s Degree. We prayed about it together and agreed to step…

  • a metal armor

    The Armor Of God

    Reading Time: 9 Minutes On August 13, 2020 I was driving to Paducah, KY to visit my mother for a few days. I had been listening to the book of Ephesians, and as Paul was describing the armor of God…


    Healed Like Lightning

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes Soak Service God was teaching me to trust in His restful grace but that would prove to be a long journey of faith. I had experienced unexplainable pain in my body and God had downloaded an…


    The Law and the Spirit

    Reading Time: 17 Minutes The Old Covenant Law and the New Covenant Spirit The Apostles had to teach the early church how to live by the Holy Spirit of grace instead of living by the law. I believe we battle…


    Rainbow Revelations

    Silent Reading Time: 7 Minutes The Promise And this is the promise that He has promised us—eternal life.. 1 John 2:25 NKJV This morning as I watered our plants with a water hose in the back yard, a rainbow formed.…

  • praying alone

    Jesus’ Lightning Hands

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes A Vision This vision took place sometime in 2018 or shortly before that time. I woke up to 3 or 4 loud knocks right in front of my face. These were like knocks on a wooden…

  • Faith of a child

    Faith Of A Child

    Reading Time: 4 Minutes Thursday, March 19th, 2020 as I was playing the piano before the Lord. The Holy Spirit spoke to me in such a simple way about the faith of a child. I heard the Lord ask a…


    The Father Loves Us!

    Reading Time: 7 Minutes One of the many blessings of growing up on the mission field was the friendships with the other missionary families. Missionaries, regardless of evangelical denomination, are family. MK’s (missionary kids) always called the other missionary parents…